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Everything posted by little_girl_lost

  1. my profile is a real tight space, its a wonder you fit in there
  2. i cant tell you how many times I tried tuning into a *new* episode of the simpsons only to find sports running over and then "we now tune you in to our regular scheduled program---already in progress" two-thirds into the show
  3. eastern, the one that gets fucked over when sports games run late
  4. i feel like it would be so much worse for my username to be yelled out
  5. I was green before meh, I have to re-upload my old icon anyways
  6. god save the green
  7. there used to be an ice cream truck that visited my neighbourhood when I was a teenager, there was talk that the young man who drove it would give free ice ceam cones to the pretty teenage girls who bought from him. I put on a bikini top and short-shorts one day and asked for a cone with 2 scoops. I think he over-charged me.
  8. The other night I was feeling lazy and had fluffernutters for dinner
  9. i used to give my cats ice cubes, they bat them around the floor and corner them and lick em kept them entertained for about an hour
  10. i hope they bury him with a baseball between his legs
  11. yeah, that's not really true
  12. so many people cancelling their hbo subscriptions today
  13. on a scale of sober to whitegirlwasted, how drunk are you right now?
  14. my hair only parts in the middle I've tried and tried to style my thin life-less hair but it always falls into the same style
  15. looks to me like the cups at pizza hut about 20 years ago
  16. its a wonder that hush hush sweet charlotte wasn't given a "what ever happened" title
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