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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. You definitely had me in the first half there. Well played.
  2. Meh. He’s an asshole. He used to throw shit at me, tell me I wouldn’t amount to anything, and treats me with passive disrespect and distrust. I pretty much don’t do anything around my family unless I’m being paid to or I absolutely have to.
  3. Yeah. Fuck cancer. Lost a lot of good ones to it Ironically, the VA who took over Jessie for her is how I found out about it.
  4. WHELP. I’m gonna go and wither away into dust now.
  5. I don’t do kneejerk reactions, normally. Especially when racism, discrimination, and other forms of civil rights suppression might be the topics. My reactions to things and situations like this are generally measured, grounded, and researched. The FIRST thing I did when I saw this was think “This school district name sounds familiar,” and start the search in my history where I remembered reading it. Then, the infamous saluting school photo came up, as did the rest of my original research about the area. The citizens in the area have a history of insensitive, disrespectful, and (borderline) overt racist behavior. Repeatedly misbehaving shows a pattern. Second, I looked at what the dad might’ve been upset about. His daughter was having bullying troubles, and the school did little about it. Typical BS there. Did they have a right to be upset? Sure. Stopping his daughter from shaking a person’s hand? Not the place for him to decide that, his daughter could’ve done it, herself. Him making an overt, physical altercation like that? Not a good look. Especially when she shook several other hands. All of those hands were administrators and staff for the school and district, as well. Third, I watched the video. Hence why I worded my response the way I did: Knowing that you have a connection with someone in that area (and having them confirm the bad behavior) leads me to believe a more racist bent to the actions. I don’t decry it automatically, but all the indication is that it is a pretty big factor here.
  6. The superintendent is the ONLY person of African, Black, or any other descent other than Caucasian and/or European (from what I’ve seen of the hour+ video, which is about 25+ minutes now). It probably was personal, as well, but, unfortunately, that is bookended by the history of this school district and misbehavior.
  7. The FUCK does Indiana know about Mexican food? The fuck does ANY northern state know? The fuck?
  8. @katt_goddess I’m gonna counter your apology here with this: This is the SAME school district that defended the infamous high school photo. I am pretty sure him charging ONLY that person says it all. Leader or not, the implication is clear. Especially given the history of this school district (that photo isn’t the ONLY time they’ve been in the news over issues like this).
  9. Did you hear the one about Beethoven? Neither did he.
  10. One day, man’s dog ran away with his wife’s sex toy. Man was laughing at it. When asked why, he said: It’s a doggone bone
  11. This has been living in my head rent free lately.
  12. Gonna get a bunch of hermit crabs, and put them in a tank. They're mingling crabs now.
  13. Got tired of someone taking decorating a room too seriously. Threw a lamp at their head. Told them they need to lighten up.
  14. As someone who trains for one of said establishments....I too hate these motherfuckers. They need to get the fuck out of the way. If I wasn't getting paid, I would physically taze them to make them move.
  15. If you put milk in first, you're a sociopath. I have yet to be proven wrong with this one.
  16. I once pushed someone who was trying to fight me into an elevator going down. Still couldn't get a rise out of me.
  17. I definitely remember this. I remember being on the old boards when this was happening, LIVE. Fuck, I remember someone (and whom that someone is) making a meme name about it, and subsequently getting banned over it.
  18. Yes. I was dead center in the middle of totality. It was awesome.
  19. NRA has entered the chat.
  20. This is stupid, because this is just another highlight of “old man yelling at clouds”. Pornhub holds all the cards here (minus 1). Abbott doesn’t want to get near this, because he automatically will lose. Zodiac—erm—Ted Cruz won’t set foot near this, either. He doesn’t want to miss out o. His favorite vacation spot. They both have been unnecessarily quiet, even on border dispute BS lately. I think it’s because if they oppose Pornhub pulling out, then they would be in direct opposition to their belief that we are allowed to have a say on what happens to our bodies and what we do with them. They would also be aborting a business. Not to mention the “research” they would have to conduct. The person they’d need to consult unfortunately died in prison. They are all on the same list, so they are trying to distance themselves from the Cheeto Jesus they made, because they have a false idol, and now, don’t want to be persecuted for it.
  21. It’s not giving a fuck. They DEFINITELY don’t give a fuck.
  22. I’m surprised. That’s pretty good taste. I have a LOT of these bastards.
  23. AT&T is offering a $5 Fuck You credit to anyone affected by the outage.
  24. They said my cell service was not working for “non-payment/return of cellular device” which is bullshit. I paid THIS month’s bill in DECEMBER by accident. I literally had a credit on my account for this month. So, I get to spend the time to yell at their shitty customer service rep on the phone. Nah, I think I’ll just do this shit in a store. This is the SECOND time they have blown up their muhfucking service for a mass number of people in 6 months.
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