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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Wow. You have clothes on in this one. Color me surprised.
  2. I'm awful at it, too. I was just never meant for it.
  3. lupin_bebop


    Why am I reading your Facebook status updates here?
  4. lupin_bebop


  5. ..........Just getting started....wait until Cheeto Hitler takes over.
  6. Yes. That's where they belong.
  7. K.
  8. K.
  9. Also, a good choice.
  10. No.
  11. Nope. Bathroom time is regular and normal, thanks to my Squatty Potty.
  12. Bull**bleep**.
  13. Like Hell, you will. Wait until I show my glorious bacon.
  14. Got a question.......what is the character limit for a post? I need to know, as I can get a little long-winded on rants. Also, because HTML/board code takes up a LOT of damn characters when tagging.
  15. No.
  16. This person gets it.
  17. You want to know how long people have been telling me that? My whole life. You want to know who I care about? Me. Why? Because my HDL (good) cholesterol level is 195, which is very high, and my LDL (bad) cholesterol level is 114, which is low/ideal. Screw what other people think. My doctor say my diet works, so fuck all y'all.
  18. Good.....good.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN7_O-2Kixw
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