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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. I’m not good at the mean thing, either. I AM good at the brutally honest thing, though.
  2. No. Don’t coddle him. Tell him like it is. He NEEDS to be taken down a peg. Just do it. He needs to know.
  3. Oh man, your butthurt........is SOOOO much here. Keep at it. It pleases me.
  4. Of course, I got a burger. With bacon.
  5. Yeah. Every time we go shopping, she jumps in a box, sits there, and stares at my ass with that same face for hours. I would do that shit back if I wasn’t playing games or taking pictures at that moment.
  6. https://www.google.com/search?q=AAPL&oq=AAPL&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.1417j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  7. Hmmmm....fine.
  8. That's only because the GIF code here won't remove it.
  9. This has been going on for hours now.
  10. I had a dream that we'd not have fuckheads everywhere.......guess that didn't come true.
  11. Why don't you just get some chips?
  12. You know......you don't need a study guide for an STD test. Also, even horny dogs don't want to fuck you with anything. Third......"erotic short stories" notebook? *VOMITS*
  13. Hhhhmmmm.........
  14. No, I'm taking the Terminator threat seriously......just not out of the US. Only from Japan.
  15. That was when she was smol.......and before I got bacon love ready for her.
  16. Yes. We need shapes. I'm triangle knight.
  17. Yes. You you can be
  18. Pffft. I've seen better. Japan build a working Gundam.
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