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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Don't really care, as long as other people's overall experience isn't ruined. He did that on the old forums, and on ASMB by constant shitposting and spamming.
  2. The character or the user?
  3. I would've won if Rogue and Sandy hadn't gotten so damn lucky.
  4. Cool.
  5. I know..........I'm just.......TRYING to understand the people who run it more than the clients.
  6. I'm playing Cards Against Humanity right now
  7. Hmmmm......
  8. @Sandstone is. He on Discord right now doing it. Also, I might download Warframe again........I've run out of games to play.
  9. Sorry, StarPanda. You dun fucked it up.
  10. I vaguely remember it. I also remember callmesabrina not caring in the end.
  11. Yeah. Jim_Rival and I go way back there.......
  12. It's up to you. What kind of thing would you like to do?
  13. Dude.......your post reeks of absolute bullshit. I know that you were banned for 4 days for being a fucking rapey creatin.
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