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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. No. I'm actually right. Sorry, you fucking drunk asshole.
  2. So.........fiance, then? Congratulations.
  3. Then eat something. Pizza is cheap. Bacon is always there, too.
  4. Yep. Welcome to life.
  5. ...............It's not centered.
  6. ............................What?
  7. ..................................What?
  8. Probably early symptoms of cirrhosis.
  9. So.........is he mitigating the ass taste with his BROTHER'S hair?
  10. Nothing says "alpha" like asking your potential date for bus fare or giving them gas money.
  11. Why don't you get back to whatever dildo infested crib you fell out of?
  12. ...............You attempted to do that to your own, didn't you?
  13. Nice. You got more......you're the male version of cat lady.
  14. Yeah. They are a wasted subscription service. They only give you enough for a single meal. They don't even reheat well.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQoRr-Ny5ds
  16. Learn to do it. It will save your life. Literally.
  17. ..............The message....just with cats...is "You're next".....or maybe "You suck at hunting. Here."
  18. You've obviously never been to Texas or Florida. Happens every winter and fall. Then again, our weather is more mild than up north.
  19. You might wanna stop......you're going to need a clean up crew soon.
  20. It's fine. I tolerate humanity.
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