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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Shut the fuck up, Zeni.
  2. I just don’t give any fucks, per usual.
  3. Nah. Don't really need to.
  4. Probably some chick you forgot about and didn't smash?
  5. Meh. It's overrated. I prefer Outback or Pasados more than there.
  6. 17 is the last official count I saw. Too bad no one is actually going to try and solve shit. America definitely holds the record for amount of mass killings in 45 days, though. USA! USA! USA!
  7. So......you M*A*S*H*ed him?
  8. ...........How is their hustle different from any other Red Bull girls?
  9. I remember when I used to feel like that. I used to have a life and obligations. Got a job. Then, I stopped giving a fuck. Felt so good. You should try it some time.
  10. I almost always lurk. I am almost always doing something in another tab.
  11. The Red Bull girls in Jacksonville always make money.
  12. Don’t burn him. He may be crispier than hell after.
  13. .............Yeah. About that......
  14. That’s always me on my days off. Like yesterday. I stayed in my boxers all day. Didn’t even bother trying to put anything else on.
  15. So.......I’m confused. Please clarify this for me. Are you posed off because they sent your child home from school? Or, are you pissed off because they called the more responsible adult first?
  16. He skips that level, because it has nothing to do with him. Death Egg Zone is designed only for Sonic to get him to the Doomsday Robotnik machine. Knuckles has zero to do with that. His Doomsday is Mecha-Sonic.
  17. Sonic had more levels (1-2 at most). Knuckles felt shorter, because you could simply bypass half the levels with his glide and climb abilities.
  18. I liked Knuckles better. He was an asshole, but only because Sonic was so stupid.
  19. Yes. In fact, they were BOTH in the SAME movie. The Matrix Reloaded
  20. They are pretty inexpensive right now, because carriers are giving good deals. Not a bad way to go.
  21. It’d be nice, but nope. Can’t afford it. Want to, but can’t.
  22. “August 24th, 2017”
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