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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Didn’t admit I was wrong, because I wasn’t. I admitted that I didn’t know something. There’s a difference.
  2. I do from time to time.
  3. You’ll like it. Don’t worry. Sony gives away lot of free stuff every month.
  4. K
  5. Download it or disc crazy lady
  6. Good. We don't want you here. Also, threatening the higher ups? That's a paddlin' Anyways........
  7. I don't know that. Well, now, I know. So....you can easily make the money.
  8. You could do like.....what....2 shoots...and make that right? Or maybe in one, depending on studio, management, and length?
  9. So........you're rage quitting life?
  10. Not really. It CAN be a sex thing, but it's original use in the wild was as a relaxation tool.
  11. Everything is about you, isn't it? What about the kids? What. About. The KIDS?
  12. ..............I thought you were going to get on the dick of "He wants to fuck me", like you always fucking do. Yet, you didn't. Interesting.
  13. Pffffft. FLorida is corrupt as fuck, too. NC is in certain aspects. At least the fucked ones are obvious there.
  14. Pot. Kettle. Sir.
  15. DO YOU EVEN SCIENCE? It's called scleroderma
  16. It's not the ONLY city there with that problem, either.
  17. Meh. It is a nice state. I used to live there. There's a reason my family left, though.
  18. Maybe it's a situation where one wants to work with you, and the other doesn't? Maybe, they can't decide what they want, so they play the limbo game with you. PROTIP: It's the female who is the fucked one.
  19. ..............................................You're dead to me, can opener.
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