Yeah. That’s me most of the time. Fallout 4 was an exception, too. I could never get past a certain part because it required too many resources I didn’t have, and leveling up to get past it was a nightmare.
For most of those, I just ran out of time to clear them before a BETTER game came out, then never finished.
Exceptions being:
The Call of Duty games, Final Fantasy X-2, and Titanfall 2, because they were just fucking bad.
Shutting you down would be telling you to get back in the kitchen and make sandwiches and the like.
I was trying to keep your apology brief, sharp, and pointed.
This is where you should’ve stopped. You weren’t saying anything else after that. You haven’t been saying anything this entire time until here.
You’ve been doing nothing but spewing random talking points.
People are going to have some bias. It cannot be avoided.
Hhhmmmmm. I’d have to say funnel cake is my standby favorite.
I did like fried Twix, corn dogs, and the Bacon cheese burgers I got from this one place.