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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Don’t give a fuck.
  2. Of course. It was a multi-level one. since he won’t be doing anything at the concert, nor action.....nor anything else.
  3. Yeah. That’s me most of the time. Fallout 4 was an exception, too. I could never get past a certain part because it required too many resources I didn’t have, and leveling up to get past it was a nightmare.
  4. Yeah. You aren’t doing any of that.
  5. For most of those, I just ran out of time to clear them before a BETTER game came out, then never finished. Exceptions being: The Call of Duty games, Final Fantasy X-2, and Titanfall 2, because they were just fucking bad.
  6. I fucking knew it. !!
  7. She has, on numerous occasions, said “My mom makes more in a month than you do all year.”
  8. Because she’s obviously a fucking liar.
  9. Shutting you down would be telling you to get back in the kitchen and make sandwiches and the like. I was trying to keep your apology brief, sharp, and pointed.
  10. They let you play on the consoles while you eat.
  11. Yes.
  12. It’s also next door to Gearbox Software as a coffee shop/restaurant in north Texas.
  13. No. The reason you’re big is because you won’t put down the fork. yes. Drugs and age cause tasting loss.
  14. Sure......because they all look the same and shit.....
  15. Yes. Create Your Style is amazing. Mostly so I can get this kind of hybrid.
  16. lupin_bebop


  17. This would be great and all........if I could fucking READ ANY OF THE FUCKING TEXT
  18. I thought you moved out of Texas?
  19. This is where you should’ve stopped. You weren’t saying anything else after that. You haven’t been saying anything this entire time until here. You’ve been doing nothing but spewing random talking points. People are going to have some bias. It cannot be avoided.
  20. Yes. They peaked at Sims 3
  21. ADR is Automated Dialogue Replacement or Alternative Dialogue Recording. You know it as “dubbing”.
  22. Hhhmmmmm. I’d have to say funnel cake is my standby favorite. I did like fried Twix, corn dogs, and the Bacon cheese burgers I got from this one place.
  23. Improv is easy. Just be you. Makes ADR and recording easier. Think of it as a photo shoot.....for your voice.
  24. I live in Dallas. Don’t really have time to fuck around, though. Have to work and all.
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