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Everything posted by cyberbully

  1. I smoked a cig for the firt time in like 4 years last week.....I have no idea how I picked that habit up because that scent stuck with me all day.
  2. OMG, can your life get any worse......Please, ki......kiss your daughter for her estranged father that will someday change his number and your only contact will be a child support deposit.
  3. OMFG, I went to my FB after this and had an AMEX ad....I've never had a cc ad that I remember.....I'm so glad zucc at least respects my porn searches......There would be so much shit I couldn't explain in my ads
  4. Ah, thanks....I was wondering what I wanted to go to sleep to and C&H sounds like a good idea.
  5. LOL, you can buy an Amex at walmart. I know we're talking about the cc and not the ppdc, but you can floss regardless.
  6. Beta troll.....I can take him
  7. I used to 1st place every time 24s came on
  8. Well, he said it was the first time...I'll take his word for it. Pacman's the hobo blowing vet here
  9. Nabs has been sucking dick lately....Fuggz has no shot.
  10. *claims to have gotten some bomb dick* *Still a salty bitch* She's too funny not to be a cartoon character.
  11. My last time fucking with him.....because I legit thought it was a joke or misunderstanding.....I still kind hope he replies.
  12. Burnout was better
  13. Well that's 4 minutes my ears will never get back.....It got better about halfway through but the beginning just messed it all up.
  14. LOL, I patiently await the tears that are sure to follow.
  15. Is any of this content yours....I'm not clicking you links but other than that, it's just a bunch of really old YT videos and some confusing screen shots
  16. I kinda want to but i kinda just wanna get off the internet....Play tomorrow when I'll be all alone.
  17. What clickbait site did you steal this from.
  18. I was gonna grow my fro out this past winter but I didn't make it far, because again...Even though people said it was a nice look, I felt like it looked like a dirty cotton ball and went and cut it off.
  19. I'm thinking about dying my hair. People say they love my salt and pepper blend but seriously, I can't fucking stand it.
  20. I miss acid.....I would take a week off work if I could find me a sheet and just trip balls for a few days.
  21. I mean it's like 6am and you made a pants thread.....On a weekend no less. I don't think this is gonna take off until later......Unlike my pants, HEYOO
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