OMG, can your life get any worse......Please, ki......kiss your daughter for her estranged father that will someday change his number and your only contact will be a child support deposit.
OMFG, I went to my FB after this and had an AMEX ad....I've never had a cc ad that I remember.....I'm so glad zucc at least respects my porn searches......There would be so much shit I couldn't explain in my ads
Is any of this content yours....I'm not clicking you links but other than that, it's just a bunch of really old YT videos and some confusing screen shots
I was gonna grow my fro out this past winter but I didn't make it far, because again...Even though people said it was a nice look, I felt like it looked like a dirty cotton ball and went and cut it off.
I mean it's like 6am and you made a pants thread.....On a weekend no less. I don't think this is gonna take off until later......Unlike my pants, HEYOO