C'mon man, that had to be a stressful situation....She probably thought it easier to agree to be done because women are nuturing (mostl of them anyway) by nature and didn't want to complicate your life....The way to be a man is show her you're down to weather the storm.
I had something similar as my FB banner for a long ass time.....Well, not really similar, as much as it was a Boondocks/DBZ crossover. it was Huey, Riley and Young Goku (or maybe Goten) sitting on a couch playing video games/
But that's not what you typed, and it literally says "I'm diabetic"
Who is supposed to know you meant anything else unless you are willing to admit yo you history of shitty sentence structure.
939 posts
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Posted June 23
If not, explain to me how a depressed or bipolar person is weak for taking or needing meds to function?
Diabetes isnt even as serious as a disease in the minds of society. You know why I say that? It's because I'm diabetic can still get life insurance but a person with my illness cannot get covered by most life insurance companies because they are considered too much of a risk.