LOL, I like how her response is "It's ok for me to be a shitty person because maybe she's a shitty person too" I swear I think people would suffocated her in her sleep when she was a child then resuscitate her after desired brain damage had taken place.
As far as all the games Square put out back the, Mana was probably my least favorite.....Not saying I didn't like it, but it just didn't hold up to the Final Fantasies, ans Chrono Trigger. And bows suck....The hit box was just terrible with bows.
I'm convinced you're lying.
There are millions of foods that can be liked and disliked but fried chicken is not one of them....Even though black people have been burdened with the stereotype, EVERYone likes fried chicken. Even Vegans fashion some tofuti shit that mimics it.