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Everything posted by cyberbully

  1. Oh, see I didn't know...You're kinda a big deal....Well bigger than most of us.
  2. The slowdown in that game was ridiculous.
  3. Fuck it, all of them
  4. Me too but that has more to do with alcohol.
  5. Which I feel like was a bitch move....Should have let viper pull his own ho card....KN is trying to protect him from himself but you can't stop many dumb pests from flying into the bug zapper.
  6. I was going to because when I hear DVD case I think those booklet thingies with the plastic inserts but I really didn't even want to get into it since he's too dumb to know what he actually painted.
  7. I was told that before painting you should close all win You know what....Just fuck you.
  8. It's fun with the right people
  9. I just made a Jackbox thread in DF.....Are y'all playing right no?
  10. Eh, I don't pay for it so it's cool with me.
  11. There is nothing good about it but I needed it to be gone and there was only one way to do that....ONE WAY.
  12. Trying to dry up right now. Maybe this spicy chicken wrap wasn't the way to go at 4 am tho.
  13. Universal Soldiers is an enjoyable movie (yes, the s is supposed to be there....This isn't the Jean Claude Vandamme movie)
  14. Basketcase is an enjoyable movie
  15. Wendigo is an enjoyable movie
  16. cyberbully


    Oh yeah, you couldn't switch characters at will on that....WTF is this witchcraft.
  17. cyberbully


    LOL, Porom....Who the hell puts Porom in their party without Palom....They are useless alone.
  18. Those tits are irregular....Actually, they all might be but since you typed those, they could have been uniform.
  19. cyberbully


    It'll be some bump of a retarded thread.
  20. I got weed and toilet paper. We good.
  21. Yeah, but i didn't have it in my sig for like a month or so either
  22. I seriusly need a graon emoji right now
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