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Everything posted by cyberbully

  1. Most times when I have a dream in a car and it goes bad, it's something like the brakes going out, or the road being too difficult to drive, but not this time....I was driving on a country road late at night when I saw some headlights behind me. The driver was blaring on the horn, so I signaled for him to go around. I was unfamiliar with where I was. The vehicle disappears....I turn around quickly to see if maybe he turned off or something but when I turn back around, there is a vehicle in front of me.....From this angle I can tell it's a Mustang, but it looks as if it's been an a swamp....Covered in algae and moss and shit......The top was down, so i could see the driver, The driver's head spun around, in a complete 180 and it removed it's shades to reveal some giant cartoon eyes. His face appeared to get larger, but I then saw that his head was off his body and flying towards me. It rammed it's head into my windshield, shattering it......It started scream....ONLY THOSE I DEEM WORTHY MY DRIVE THIS ROAD....ALL OTHERS ARE BANNED.....BANNED. I tried slowing down, but no matter where i went, he was there.....I turned and he would be in front of me, I'd hit the brakes and he'd be behind me. He then pulled out a giant cartoon hammer and commenced to destroying my car....BANNED, BAAAAAAAAANED. I jumped from the vehicle somehow.....I mean it's a dream anyway. the cars both are nowhere in sight. I think I'm safe. Moments later, a jeep come down the road, and the driver asks if I need a ride....I say yes....The diver looks normal enough. As we make it down the road he asks what am I doing out here....Not wanting to tell him what had just happened, lest I sound crazy, I just tell him I had a fight with my girlfriend and she put me out. He says, ok...Good....Because....He goes on to tell me of a crazed driver who had died on this very road, and his spirit lingers, "banning" drivers at will....Feeling relief that I'm not crazy, I turn to him and say "OMG, that's what happend to me"......He turns, say I know, and removes his shades.......BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNED
  2. I was enjoying dinner when I noticed outside of my window there was an image....It was humanoid in form, yet it moved like nothing I've ever seen....It seemed oddly fixated on something on the ground amid a dull, flickering light.....As if it were, burning something. As if it felt my eyes upon it, it slowly turned, revealing it's pale, white face......Whiter than any ghost I had ever seen. It was then that I could see it was burning a mouse, and consuming it. The horrid creature shrieked with a deafening pitch and as it rushed past the light I could see it was covered in worms. It had made it to my front door.....Even though solid walls I could smell it, it reeked of urine and old laundry....It wailed on the door and I searched for anything to fight back with....All the while, awaiting the inevitable crash of the door....I grabbed a tire iron...I refused to die without a fight. Finally it crashed in, parts of the door flying past me with such force that I would be dead if any of them had hit me.....One piece of the door hit my TV tray, flinging my dinner of a double cheese burger and root beer directly towards the frightening creature......Once it made contact the monster released yet another deafening scream and with great recoil, landed on the ground, writhing in pain.....I woke up
  3. It's was retarded yet horrifying.....There was a puppet/doll in my room and it kept laughing and saying GIGGLECHILLS GIGGLECHILLS........I kept looking for ways to combat it, but all that I could get my hands on were shirts.....So I kept hurling shirts at it. It eventually got closer and I tried to choke it, but it was like......It was invisible or some shi....Well, not invisible....Ethereal?....Intangible. lets go with that..... Anyway, It kept saying GIGGLECHILLS so I started saying it back to him and it seem to get annoyed and started backing off....Don't remember anything after that,
  4. Most likely contains dairy products....From Cows....Can't eat it or the Earth will cry.
  5. I had Miefun or something today....Gonna go polish it off now
  6. $20 says these chicks with fucked up names still have better jobs than her.
  7. Not really....People talk and I wait for moments to call them fucking stupid.
  8. I think her reasoning is mostly coronary though.
  9. I like the part where she was disappointed that she couldn't beat her.
  10. It requires reading.
  11. Vanity searching finally did something cool.
  12. That's not the point, it would have led to guesses towards the correct answer. It's like if the clue was "Arnie says get to da choppah" well he's said that in more than one movie, but it wouldn't take a page of guesses to get to the answer.
  13. Couldn't go with shit like This movie probably the movie inspired Raiden, or a guys swells up and explodes.
  14. You don't even have to do that part....It just spells out some corny message like we don't live in a world of reality but a world of ....I dunno...Something....I don't even think the video even finished iirc
  15. That was slightly funny but i hate future too.
  16. No, the hook is the worst part....Makes me think I'm listening to Johnny Taylor or some shit in a hole in the wall club in Saucier, Mississippi right after "These last 2 dollars" goes off.
  17. That song sucks
  18. Yeah, that's a nasty one
  19. Wasn't really a big deal...We were playing.....This is when I worked at the shrimp shack.....We used to get fucked up during work with the boss and hang out afterwards getting high.....One day he was bragging about his karate moves and shit so I challenged him.......He did this spinning roundhouse thing...Which kinda looked impressive for a guy his age, but it lacked momentum so I caught it and he fell on his ass..... I was like I can curb stomp your ass now, then I helped him up and we did some more rails.
  20. Ugly and rich..... The thing tho is this retroactive....Like I have to go back and be a rich ugly kid too.....Or do I just randomly wake up ugly wnd rich tomorrow with all my memories.....Because seriously, I'll take a hit for the team and get my kids all the best shit. It's their turn. I mean kind of a no brainer for me
  21. I have yet to mention Viper until this post....The real question is what did I do to you that you are trying so hard and failing
  22. Ah, the infancy of the internet.
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