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Everything posted by PhilosipherStoned

  1. Thought the same thing when I saw the hbd thread.
  2. It's hard to take any of that shit seriously the late Stephen Hawking was mentioned on the list and now shit for brains are using that for clickbait web media titles... Like omg It's Stephen Hawking in his Robot Chicken Walt Disney mech-suit look out kids! Not even the dead are safe from the Epstein bullshit smh. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/stephen-hawking-jeffrey-epstein-underage-orgy-b2472989.html
  3. I mean if you don't get busted crashing through backyards, total your car and turn it into a claymore, or get pullled over for some other reason DUI's don't usually happen... That being said I have seen "routine traffic stops" turn into those for the dumbest hall monitor mentality cop reasons a few times as well so... God bless America.
  4. I'm going in guns blazing, but I can sympathize with wanting to get a head start on embracing the suck as well.
  5. Standard lump of coal. Sooner or later I might be able to turn a profit though.
  6. Violent Night is it.... Like the sought after new gen action christmas movie... I already watched it once this year, but it hit the right way I have to say. John Wick Santa is Best Santa lmao.....David Harbour makes for a better Santa Claus than he does a demon these days.
  7. This youtuber deserves some serious kudos for setting up a deep fake Louis CK show and getting Alex Jones to come in for an interview only to have him confronted by an angry father and gun control activist. Alex gets fucking wrecked. THIS IS WORTH THE WATCH.
  8. That christmas is no joke... I think I only had a christmas worth $800 maybe one or two times as a kid, and the second one I was a little bit older like... "I don't know who you guys had to kill to do this but thanks I guess...I'll cherish everything."
  9. It is I know. For me it still wasn't like I was trippin' balls but when you have all your management staring you down with koolaid smiles and you don't normally do gummies that shit can be pretty trippy.. I was like "What man why the fuck you keep staring at me." IN FRONT OF CUSTOMERS. My tolerance should be trash now. I basically only smoke or use thc when offered these days, but apparently that dudes gummies had people crashing out in the back not wanting to move or some shit...
  10. no that's a seperate tangent completly. I said good point because I forget how big podcasts are in general, and that spotify loves that market as well.
  11. I love this shit for some reason.
  12. oh I get it now man, I'm trying to get....It's actually one users screenname now lol. This shit actually made me dislexic af for a while, but happy birthday @UwP x gemmysandyrock
  13. Nice alchemist formula or whatever bruv. What's supposed to happen again?
  14. one of my managers buys a big ass can of the most potent shit.....and he decided to test me one time because I said my tolerence was golden... I don't know he punked a lot of potheads out...but in the the end he gave me like 3 or 4 when most people where tripping balls after like a half of one... Just trying to say I don't remember if it was gummie 3 or 4 but holy fucking shit...I was really struggling to get trash bags into the fucking can and I was up in the restroom like damn...I'm fucked. No customers plz.
  15. I forget spotify does podcasts good point.
  16. It is a place funny enough, and no I'm not. I'm dwn with the plus size, but I don't pay for porn. Hell I don't even pay for video service subscriptions I have a prime video sponsorship rn. . They just give me free prime video though that's all. Amazon's like that...Actually I think I get free prime as a whole or whatever and something else. Prime video has all my fav shows though so idc.
  17. I'm retail as well. Trying to make management even at Autozone so I know how you feel. If I tell karen I'm not going to use my superpowers to cherrypick her engine up so we can put the sensor in she just bought she can get pretty irate... I mean not to mention they just expect us to change all the lights right there in the parking lot when some of their newer model karen cars take fragile ass leds and a lot of disassembly and reassembly to do that..
  18. Also I might have been too fucked up the first time I watched it or there was legit matrix shit going on since this movie was made by the same fools that brought you John Wick supposedly... Watch this one damn it. It needs to be a new hoiday classic.
  19. I don't want you to think I'm spamming for posting this reaction gif twice since you're a mod now, but in reaction to the McCarthy clip..
  20. This shit seems more dead than usual so here's hoping... Personally, and I've said this before but my family isn't as tight knit as a lot, and I'm kind of glad most of the time lol.... So I'm just about to drink and play video games or something... Sometimes I get paid pretty good for playing them... So there's that. How's You's guys holiday season lookin'
  21. It's the want to be tiktok of the online music subscription game what do you honestly expect?
  22. This message brought to you by an AI's understanding of Duck Hunt https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fremember-duck-hunt-its-ok-neither-does-a-i-v0-wnlc1xa6mu1c1.jpeg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D8e019b602f37b4b2b577fd772b9fe77d7b2f1a6b
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