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Everything posted by PhilosipherStoned

  1. Here's hoping it isn't a copyright strike like with AI Sponge Bob. Same creator made the AI_Sponge livestream, but Paramount had a cow. There's NO WAY the AI breached youtube TOS and youtube killed AI Rogan... This shit is a conspiracy and now I need to find a new brain worms stream to sleep to.
  2. The youtube lawyer I've cited here a lot stopped doing updates on the trump trials because there's been nothing but teaser material to update people on I guess so I just wanted to be sure.
  3. Jeeze calm down the link was just for bonus points. I mean there has to be a genuine recording of someone calling oil 'earl' unirionically in the right dialect but I couldn't find one so I was just shooting my shot..
  4. So we are still kind of here right? Still waiting on more hearings and trials, more lawyers stalling... and old age to kill us all before we'll know the true fate of Donald J Trump right? https://abc7chicago.com/donald-trump-held-in-contempt-of-court-for-violating-gag-order-hush-money-case-and-ordered-to-pay-9-000/14745646/
  6. Also one more before I abandon this shit because no replies...I just have to say the 'Neill With No Chill' has broadened my horizins for real. Also AI Shapiro always cracks me up since it's pretty much just the real Shapiro ROFL.
  7. I only remember them when their Smooth Criminal cover comes on the radio. I mean they do exist outside of that 'hit' right?
  8. I'm also reclusive by nature and spend a lot of time in dim light so I'm sure a lot of it is adjustment /acclimation issues. Spending days in the field in the army and also outside in reflective airport surfaces for years never helped though I guess.. That's why I know the blue eyes do play a big part... Also because snow blindness happens pretty damn quick. I have to wear shades when snowboarding or traveling through snow or I'll end up seeing nothing but green...
  9. I've never heard anyone call "oil" Earl unironically though. Props if you can provide a link.
  10. @scoobdogI've heard that blue eyes are really sensitive to sunlight a few times recently. I had to look into it for myself, but it is true, and also probably the reason everybody thinks I'm pissed off or mean mugging them on sunny days... I assure you that's not the case it's just really hard to relax my eyes and have them open all the way in bright sunlight. I'm about to start walking around like Blade because I think it's getting worse with age. https://chromamodern.com/are-blue-eyes-more-light-sensitive/#:~:text=Light sensitivity can be a,in determining sensitivity to light. I also suck at keeping up with sun glasses so I've kind of sucked it up most of my life. I'm working a lot of jobs that have me on the road in work trucks though so I need a pair in there for sure.. I really need to start keeping an emergency pair of shades everywhere I go or something.
  11. What did the duck say when it bought chapstick?
  12. My eyes always hurt. Having blue eyes sucks I can't even look in the direction of the sun for 3 seconds without seeing nothing but green sometimes. Staring directly at it without the proper eyewear would probably give me an annuerysm.
  13. The real question is whether or not they'll go full geriatric before realizing vpn services that let you change location data exist and most browsers are integrating them into a standard download. It's like grandpa asking you to set the parental locks on the remote because he isn't tech savy enough.
  14. The gnarly beard felt obligitory as a cable internet installer so if I ever work those jobs I make sure to have a beard and wear pants without a belt...
  15. Deer lord when you think you're just editing a post bt this dead message board bullshit makes it easier to quote yourself..Or what did I even do lol? Idk. Sorry guyz I guess I fucked up again lolz..... Hey! It's been a while since I've been on here though lol.
  16. I wish, but the reality is a lot more tragic than that...My grandfathather was born on a cherokee res man.. He died a white man, and I'm comfortable doing the same lol... The tragic part was it was probably his money they were alll fighting over. **spit**
  17. I still have that last cat I took out of a dumpster. Mostly we do staring contests but every now and then the dude likes to act like a spoiled pus.
  18. Maybe I'm lucky then, but it didn't feel that way. My grandmas had plenty of middle age children to fight over all that shit though including the house... I didn't have to move shit when she died what wasn't taken was sold...
  19. I'd say I need pointers but nah, shit goes good when it's meant to if you ask me. Only time I've ever been flakey or weird with it I find out the next day the chicks trying to bang the whole city or somethin'...
  20. This was necrobumped from the time I was supposed to have a free Hulu 'plus' subscription I guess, but the whole point was that I was thinking "Dam Hulu must really be feeling these hard economic times I remember when I could slide on to hulu like it was youtube without even logging into an account." lol.
  21. Jared has revolutionized the fast food prison spread. What have you done with your life?
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