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Everything posted by PhilosipherStoned

  1. dick balls.. yes
  2. It usually never works out in my favor to smoke on 420 either. I wont be smoking tomorrow because I may still have a drug test to pass for a job. After failing the pee cup test I did at home I decided to not go into the clinic like I was suppose to and instead I left a message on their phone after business hours saying I had a family emergency to attend to and I didn't get back until late. According to the hiring manager I would just have to do a drug screen once a year, but I wasn't planning on them calling me the next day after I applied. I had been toking up pretty big that week to..Wish me luck man this position sounds really chill I would just be turning my truck into a work truck and going door to door either getting people to pay their cable/internet or cutting it off on them.. That's literally the only time I would have to put up with peoples shit.. I get my route and work orders sent straight to my smartphone through some app. >_>
  3. I barely realized earlier that the entire site background is jellyfish.. I was talking about your account theme because your sig was the closest thing to being jellyfish lol.
  4. My name is Mud.
  5. Doesnt seem to get the message across as well..
  6. This changes everything... Just be careful who you say this to. You know what they did to galeleo. Flatearthers these days are lucky no one gives a shit about their bs.
  7. I want one, but I dont want to spend that much money right now. What all games are out for it anyway besides a few Mario games, and Breath of the Wild?
  8. Aww man a few more days and some clean pee and I could've been the one to do it.
  9. Never should of took that self quiz I think I would've been better off not knowing. Pray for me chil'ren/
  10. Literally just fuggit, and maybe something better will be birthed from it idk. I still don't know for sure what I should do about this test in the mornin' I DID NOT have enough time to study. S:
  11. Wow I didn't realize I was talking to the Effin Dhali Llama
  12. So ok.. the like button on the account thumbnail raises the karma for that account? Like an honest to j-man popularity button?
  13. The force is strong with this one.
  14. the karma number on our accounts is what I mean. Make it bigger yes?? ???
  15. I dont see any jellyfish at all unless the figuresque humanoid creatures in your sig are supposed to look like jellyfish in their little set-ups... It looks awesome but I really don't know how to describe what I see.
  16. In this great land of fallen memes and tired souls?
  17. The heart attack thing might work lol if I did it convincing enough, but I could see that coming back to bite me in the ass.. possibly. So if I was to say I just woke up too late and I call in apologetically like Oh wow my alarm didn't go off gee I missed the deadline He might be ok with that to, but he might just say well ok just go do it now... so it wouldn't really buy me much time, if any. The thing that makes me nervous is I know people make excuses to get out of this shit all the time, IT HAS TO BE GOOD. MAybe like my my parents got into a car accident BUT EVERYTHING IS FINE. I just had to come pick her up, and getr her car home and fix it. because I litteraly had that happen right before this... MAYBE IT'S A SIGN. I HAVE SEEN THE GLORY.... Good input though LilIturd... Whats this rain teacher business.
  18. I DON'T KNOW!! :::
  19. Jellyfish are awesome.
  20. In times like these we need a SAVIOR! Someone to LIFT us up from the INSIDAH! So Im just gonna reach out to ALL the citizens of the unevenedge one last time, :fap: and say... IN TIMES LIKE THESE ya need to help a brothah out. So I'm just gonna run a few scenerios by yall, and lets just see if we can figure out a really good and convincing way to get me out of this drug screen tomorrow.. NO FOREAL I'M SORRY , but there has to be a way, I need to find the absolute most perfect thing I could say..like for instance I couldn't find the place, I got in too late.. car trouble? meteorites? I need some other peoples perspectives!, A brainstorm if you will.
  21. You know what I was thinking the exact same thing. Let us become one/ -_'
  22. Like my butt?? Or other's butts or both? Oh well I like big butts and I can not lie, but nicely aerobicized booties are pretty good to,
  23. I'm still looking for a way to keep the one I was about to get.. Sadly the internet hasnt been much help. I wouldn't be here searching for answers if I even had a sliver of hope left.
  24. Oh I didn't notice the facebook link with that first scan I did. For some reason I can't help but read that post in a stereotypical chinese accent. Wait was the manager chinese
  25. You tell them that I said people around here like you and me dont take kindly to people like them whether they be an it, she, him, or her when they tell US THAT WE NEED TO GO FUCK OURSELVES!!! >( >( We do that enough as it is here and frankly that is no way to conduct yourself in a place of business.
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