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Everything posted by PhilosipherStoned

  1. Wait is that another one of those unspoken requirements I'm suppose to take part in as a member of society? ::: Didn't beyonce do something stupid or was that another dumb spectacle entertainers thought I'd watch? Hold on that was the grammys right? I DON'T CARE HONESTLY. For me it's hard to remember the difference. That shit is so corny.
  2. I failed a drug test for the first time in my life after serving in the army, (I only smoked during leave ofcourse, which for me in a rapid deployment unit was like once a year).. Smoke a blunt on my off days as an officer of the TDCJ.. ha. I deserved to be terminated I mean... If I could have been legally arrested for that negative drug test I would have right? :fap: Fap? lol. No ones even reading this shit but fuck it.. at least Im getting the hang of this editor..
  3. Long story short give me a blunt and and I'd tear this shit up, but even though the company that I'm (supposingly) going to go to work for doesnt drug test I'm going to stay true to my word.. At least I think they dont anyway. It shouldn't matter. The point of the fucking rant is good :420: will be detectable in your system a week later and some breaking bad shit will be out in three days.. hmm I'm smart. I just made it through high school. Which one should I do. (Oh that's just taking into account one session of drug use) So fuckin bitter man. I'm sorry. Supposingly politicians got a bill through the house commitee in this state... Using the whole biblical line "God gave all the herbs and shit or whatever" > This state needs to get with the fuckin twentieth century, but even including states that have won recreational /full medical use have laughable laws. /thread.
  4. I always think I'm done man, but I guess I'm just a stoner by nature and.. I made a pact witha fool I never thought would get a real job that we wouldnt smoke until we both were employed; mind you I got hired almost right after that, but I had cold feet during the whole hiring process, and I decided the job was beneath me... and I don't regret that decision but he's legally slow, you know the word.. That fool is working now lol.. ME just sittin' on my ass wonderin' where I went wrong. :420: Maybe? That's what the ever analytical never self feeling critcal Texas local Govt thinks of me anyway. Im in my twenties buying my own house, and paying all my bills even without a job without selling drugs though? Fuck it Im gonna call that a win in it's self with what I've seen..
  5. Now I feel like I have to go pick up some more before the cut-off. I'm barely gettin' started. :brownbottle: :beer: Oh well. I feel like it might be for the best. I need a little bit more of a buzz to line up these incoherent thoughts to some incoherent beats.. Or even enjoy stuff I used to.. sadly but even though I was trying to stop drinking.. I've got a nice boost so far... fvck it. /one more run.
  6. I'm actually going to say that wasnt a bad bit.. I actually wrote something to this that I really planned on recording, but it went down with IB. Luckily I can actually retrieve shit from the fallen boards..google is pretty amazing.. Any thoughts, trolls, or shit.. a comment would be nice I guess. Let me know what you think of the beat at least. ::HMM::
  7. Eyy.. Eyyy! So Here I go again; It's a different forum but this isn't such a different spin. All I need now is a few fat bitches, a forty, and three wishes from a wicked Djinn. ONE! Give me all the riches I could lift if I'm Whis with a lifetime gym membership. TWO! Give me something fun to do that doesnt start with double-U; double-U; dot.. THREE! Let me reach my dreams without spendin' any dis CREAM. Right I guess I should accept the fact is that nothing in this life is free.. I'd be at peace; but this fuckin beat is hard, did I even made a dent or crease.. in this things; exquisitely..sleek physique. S: ::spin:: >_< meh I don't even know where I'm going with this. I love that beat though..this site loads so slow for me and I forgot it would log me out without choosing more time.
  8. I want to see if this forum can inspire me to make some crazy ass shit like it's predecessor once did.. So I have a few beers, and plenty of beats..Most of which I have the right to use without copyright issues...most of which. Oh shit look at this guy--> ::spin:: eeerm.
  9. Anybody else experience technical difficulties for a bit. >
  10. Like you put a special item on your pokemon and it just used it. that's kinna me.. Though america and it's cheap ass alcohol sucks in general. Worse than crack since they wont ever put out anything worthyt of consuming in the first place.
  11. Let me go give my offering to the porcelin throne. I will have ye know that this will come in the form of a golden shower though. :420: :brownbottle: :beer:
  12. 1. Cat 2. 50 thousand piles of make up and cosmetics 3. Laptop computer with cat/rainbow stickers and gifs everywhere 4. MY cat ear headband. 5. My dignity compressed so much it deserves a bigger title than RAR file? Hey Zeni!
  13. Lucky. I wish I had more beautiful things on my mind currently. O0 Though this beat is good.. I swear I will make progress in this beat hackin' shit soon. I realize all that's been stopping me is my own insecurities, but damn.. Getting my rhymes recorded just good enough for me is enough to drive me through the wall. and no :420: S:
  14. lol I need to watch my use of brackets.. Those are shortcuts/ code. noted...
  15. lol what happened? That strike through... Here I wasnt trying to strike through anythng but, maybe it is destiny.
  16. I bet this kind of stuff helps the admin keep going. I agree this forum set up is pretty boss. It's still pretty slow in my opinion, but man I cannot complain..
  17. So toked lol.. *stoked.. I havent even been smoking since the gubberment took my jerb for failing that drug test. I spent like 5 minutes typing bs about how I've went so long without actually failing when.. meh. I knew it would probably happen sooner or later. I've become so salty on the fed gov's stance on pot currently that I would probably throw up if I went on.
  18. That guy responded to my post about joining the forum, and I remember being so toked that the first guy to reply to me was a dj. Where is he now when I need him though. I even listened to the track he had embedded.. not bad.
  19. how come I get no replies and theres 20 threads like this? I see your moo though and raise you a...
  20. Well I don't like the fact that he talks about rap, or that he thinks he has any relevent input on anything related to hip/hop, but ban? I don't post here much, but even back on the ASMB he got alot of attention/views; Whatevah just by doing the sort of thing he is here. Why not ignore his shit/downvote..lol that didn't even work on him on the ASMB. IDK. He doesn't seem that bad though lol..
  21. And I'm sorry I cant make a decent post in this editor. I feel like a 7 year old with a video camera, and a youtube account.
  22. If anybody here knows how to work the soundcloud embed shortcuts, or even embed tracks somewhat decently hit me up. Not that I really have anything I think the world needs to hear yet, but damn.. I thought you folks might enjoy one of the beats that you helped me regain access to so I was gonna post one.. Seems like old school [as] bump material. Alot of beats I work with are..
  23. I told you though.. tech support. I have better shit to do than than figure out why this fuckin code wont work.
  24. Fuck it. No one listens to this kinda shit anymore anyways...
  25. [soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/308307411?secret_token=s-dVjar" params="auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /]
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