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  1. I've been seeing this floating around various social media platforms, and it had me thinking "What again?" Nope that shit is clickbait lol. I think it has happened more than once in the last few years though. Once in 2016 and once in 2018. https://www.timesnownews.com/world/us/us-news/was-donald-trumps-hollywood-star-vandalized-recently-fact-checking-viral-claims-article-119361540
  2. Had to google that to even remember he's the guy in The Catcher in the Rye. Thanks for bringing back memories of being forced to listen to people read that god awful book, and me attempting to read it on my own for class but not even being able to make it through a whole chapter because it's sad piece of sloppy repressed memories of the author. edit: I sometimes forget just how polarizing of a novel it's supposed to be, and I've only read it for high school, and then later creative writing classes college level. I've never not hated it though it's almost like... If you were going to make Hayden Caulfield so unlikeable, and like a symbol of innocence or protecting it at least do it from the third person so we don't have to listen to him rambling.. The plot is lacking you have little to no character progression.. You def either love or hate that book and I'm in the hate camp. Fuck Hayden Caulfield I'm fucking triggered.
  3. It's almost like this critique wasn't about a TikTok account...For me finding a TikToker worth even a few seconds view is at least 1/100000. There's really nothing but, nothing-burger mongers on there, and if you think I'm being hyperbolic I considered adding 6 zeros, but no... There are true gems that exist on TikTok I guess. I've found more than a few I guess that made their start at least on TikTok or have good content............ BUT SHEESH..
  4. I had my own kind of driver or drivers by my exiting years though lol... One of them was a rapper as well....Here's the setup: "Hey I'm on leave and just trying to find a ride to the airport so I can go to my home state.. yellow cab trippin... this other service... trippin. How much you want?" Him: "Damn man I got my kid right now but I'll do that for like $50.86 and I'll make sure we can turn up..." Me: "bet!" Dude was an ex cab driver running his own bus though lol.. Me at the airport...."MAke sure your dad don't open this bottle 'till yall get home." Dude's kid: "MAn yall stupid as fuck whatever I better not have to drive again." /Joke Kind of.
  5. never been in those NY/NJ cabs or where ever those Hollywood style cabs supposed to be from lol.... All my cab drivers back when I was in places that had them had TOO MANY questions, and would never shut up the whole ride. Like even the Indian ones were trying to be political analysts the times.. like what you think about this, You like the current president? To be fair though I only took cabs when it was pretty clear I was military so I guess they automatically assumed it's cool to politic me.
  6. That dude probably had the best shit.
  7. bermuda grass
  8. This does little to clear up the murky waters of "DOGE" however Devin from LE does interview another attorney that is supposedly investigating and filing litigation against the magical department, loose conglomeration of billionaires or whatever you want to call it.
  9. It's too cold to be playing angry birds outside.
  10. Mines Grover Cleveland. I think at least at one point he was the only U.S. president to serve two nonconsecutive terms, but also he was responsible for a lot of the native american protections we see today... In a weird way. The Dawes Act fucked a whole lot of shit up and allowed NA land to be sold. I've been looking into it and I don't know or I'm not completely sure why someone would name their kid Grover Cleveland because that shit was still bad, but my great grandfather was named that, my grandfather was born on the Tahlequah res. though he moved out and became a policeman for a small town in Texas lol. Weird shit. Gotta be clear I'm not really a fan of his policies when I say this I just think it's Ironic as hell my GGF was named after the man. Do I want to know why or not lol? He championed himself as a protector of NA's but supposedly did more harm than good idk.
  11. That vid was so pointless I think. Killer whale communication is supposedly super interesting though. Their brains are wired to have a large emotional function. They carry their deceased in some kind of funeral procession ritual among other things. Orcas are super interesting.
  12. cetaceans have developed other means of tracking their prey. They can echolocate. They have their own sonar of sorts. I though they might have evolved a way to smell underwater myself, but apparently they don't use smell after doing some research. I found basically the same answers you did so no need to post all that I guess.. It may be interesting to post how orca do track their prey however.
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