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Everything posted by AstroCreep

  1. It may make more sense to apply your effort towards not dropping stuff, instead of buying things that are too big and bulky to carry around. I'm just saying.
  2. I went to something advertised like that back in the '90s. I think I'm still here.
  3. Oh no, they won't let me work any more.
  4. Nope, mini-fridge right by my easy chair!
  5. Good luck! Tell the doctor to save any spare bits, we can give them to the dog.
  6. I've gone through Arizona a couple times, generally at a high rate of speed and stopping only for gas. Horrible fucking place.
  7. We already knew you were a wuss.
  8. And I'm going to call and tell your boss. Unless you give me 999 of those 1000 dollars. Hey, I left you enough for Taco Bell nachos.
  9. I'm really excited about drone-delivered packages. I'm shooting down every single one I see. I'm going to chase them around Aurora in a Mogadishu-style Toyota pickup, back full of neighbor kids with pellet guns, instead of skinny black dudes with AK-47's.
  10. That one doesn't even deserve an "Ugh, that was terrible."
  11. Don't look a drunk-chick whisking horse-dude in the mouth, just be glad she didn't dent your hood.
  12. He says to make him a ham and mustard shake.
  13. Gotta watch out for that poision stuff, I hear there's no aneckdoat.
  14. What's this walk you speak of?
  15. Depends on how much you'll pay. Cash or Colorado State Lottery scratchers only.
  16. Go work for Uber and Lyft.
  17. I have no clue any more, I used to think I knew what was going on in the world, and knew where my strengths and weaknesses were, but I've recently come to realize that I don't know anything. I could be anything from a psychopath to office clerk.
  19. Where did Netflix get all that capital to buy up all those movies and shows they are presently airing? We aren't talking about a little cash, they spent millions and millions. The quality of a lot of the movies and shows are high. Good actors, stories, special effects... I've been fairly surprised. Where did all that cash come from..?
  20. The breakfast of champions. That's what Bruce Jenner really ate every morning.
  21. Who gives a flying fuck. Maybe they should have an intelligence, tolerance, respectfulness and truthfulness contest instead, and quit wasting everyones time with this banal, trivial tripe.
  22. I can understand that, if I was build like you, I'd probably want to show it off too. Instead, I have the build of Danny Trejo.
  23. I can dance around like a weird combination of Axl Rose and Malcolm Young from AC/DC. I can't play any notes, per se, but I can make a shit-ton of noise.
  24. I'm ok. On the way to the Dr. The sadistic SOB.
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