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Everything posted by AstroCreep

  1. I listed the books I'm reading in the other thread, but here, instead, I'll talk about a list I keep of books I want to read. It's getting a bit bloated. The problem I have is the fact that I get my books from the library, they rarely have one, let alone a bunch, and I read several books at a time, so I end up with books from the stacks or the endcaps or central displays. I do end up reading things I never would have otherwise, which is interesting, and a good thing, really.
  2. If it weren't for Van Gogh and Picasso I'd give the whole nation of France's art and artists and flip them the bird and a nice, big loogie.
  3. I don't buy books much any more, I use the library. I donated probably a hundred books to my library. I keep some, hardback or large paperback. But I only have about 115 books or so now, and I'm giving away all but maybe 5.
  4. Well, I'm reading a book called The Exile about OBL. It's interesting, I've read books by his family members and US Military, but this has info from a number of sources I've never heard from. Lot's of Religious supporters, financial supporters, etc. I'm also reading a book called King Rat by James Clavell. Excellent book. He wrote a whole series of books about Asia. one other famous one was Samurai. I can't recommend his books enough. I'm also reading a book call The Seascape Tattoo, it's written by two authors, so I have little hope, but I needed something sci fi or fantasy to read at the time. And finally, I'm reading Fart Proudly, by Benjamin Franklin. Yes, that Ben Franklin. It's fucking awesome. The man was not only a genius, he was a visionary.
  5. Next time anyone brings up how damaging pot is, tell them to go look up the damage alcohol causes in our society.
  6. They have riots at the Aurora Mall, like, twice a week.
  7. Sheeeeeeiiiiiiiittt, I am an achy old man.
  8. Trump said if they can't stand as a group, hand over heart to show respect for the men and women of the US Military. Wow.
  9. Tourists can smoke it up, just like booze. They have fucking tours, smoking bars, I think,
  10. I think it's beautiful. Fuck censorship.
  11. Chuck Liddell would beat Jackson down. I do like Rampage, though.
  12. That's a truly prophetic occurrence, god will call on you to seek out all the lost socks of the universe.
  13. A fine looking young man if ever I saw one.
  14. Walk it off.
  15. Me too. I'd be virtually silent, just about motionless and completely emotionless.
  16. Ok, I feel like we are on to something with that Dragonball Z reference.
  17. No. But the last time I shoplifted I was 7, however, I too took the flee option.
  18. stYep. Tomorrow, in fact, Take it to the Denver Flea Market at like 6:00am, get a best site, those hippies LOVE that kind of shit.
  19. I head-butt the pretty boy right across the bridge of his nose, then I kick him in the throat a few times.
  21. I like every song on MaDaonna 's first three albums. I like every song Emilou Harris ever did. I like the Dixie Chicks. I like some Shania Twain, There are many, many others.
  22. I'm sorry, dude. But hey, he got go, and that was clearly all he could do.
  24. Either that or a bad Saturday, for you. If you're the only other one who show's up.
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