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Gina Szanboti

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Everything posted by Gina Szanboti

  1. The Rurouni Kenshin movies were pretty good.
  2. There are 3 of these that will autoplay once you start, and they're all mindblowing. The second one tripped me out, because I'd never heard of "What 3 Words" before. If you haven't either, it's apparently a real geocoding thing where every 3-cubic-meter square on earth has been assigned a layover code consisting of three words. So, like if you go to what3words.com and entered ///zombie.brains.trump, that's the code for a 3 m^3 square of land near - surprise! - the coast of the Bering Sea northeast of Kamchatka, Russia in the Olyutorsky District. >.> I looked up my address, and among the several codes that cover my property, all of them had weirdly relevant words in the code. It's kinda like a funky kind of horoscope, where you can read the result and decide, why yes, I am sometimes a spontaneous free spirit! Clearly I am a classic (fill in the sign). Anyway, watch the 3 videos, they're short and funny and I'm sure there are people who will think he's totally on to something, which is not so funny. Then go play with what3words.com. Btw, they don't use swear or other offensive words, and probably not proper names that aren't also regular words, so you won't get a result for ///fucking.douche.bag.
  3. Did you pick your avatar just for this post?
  4. Sorry, Megan Finger, but on any form where your last name comes first, you're gonna lose.
  5. I've been seeing the State Farm ads where they're gonna give people rebates since nobody's driving. What tickles me about it is that among the real (?) agents they have delivering the ad lines, they've slipped in "Jake from State Farm." On the flip side, Hartford is running ads for AARP car insurance where their guy keeps driving people around while he gives the pitch, and all I can think is, "keep your goddamn eyes on the fucking road! You don't have to look at your passenger when you talk to them!" Makes me twitchy.
  6. Romeo and Juliet -- young lovers kept apart by a family feud scheme to fake their deaths but botch the job and die. Juliet sees Romeo dead on his slab and kills herself for reals. Romeo rises from the dead, sees Juliet dead and kills himself again. Juliet rises from the dead, sees Romeo still dead, kills herself. Romeo rises, sees he's missed Juliet, kills self. Juliet rises, sees Romeo dead again, arrghs in incoherent frustration, kills self. Repeat for three acts, until they finally sync up their deaths and go shambling off together in search of braaaaainsssss. Epilogue: Tybalt rises from the dead and wonders where everybody went.
  7. Clan of the Cave Zombies -- frozen corpses of Cro-Magnon hunters come back from the dead after an early spring thaw, and attack a tribe of peaceful Neanderthal who happen to be sheltering a young Cro-Magnon girl. She tames a horse to ride for help, and invents the slingshot to fend off the undead hordes. And probably agriculture too, because unfrozen zombies are slow-walkers, so she had some time on her hands.
  8. If these look the same to you, you really do need glasses.
  9. Dude, look with your special eyes. Do I really look like Jingo to you?
  10. We are all the heroes! "I will save the human race by lying on my couch!" So inspiring!
  11. It's hiding baking soda and sodium aluminum sulfate, chaperoned by corn starch so they don't get busy before marriage in your mixing bowl. Add water and voila! Sea monkeys CO2 babies!
  12. https://www.newsweek.com/louisiana-pastor-tony-spell-arrested-allegedly-backing-church-bus-toward-coronavirus-protester-1499269
  13. Hell the price dropped 10% immediately after Chump announced his very great deal with OPEC and Russia to prop up prices. Everyone knows not to believe a word he says. But wouldn't now be a good time to top off the Strategic Petroleum Reserves? Given how he doesn't like to keep any stockpiles of anything around, I'm sure he's been quietly selling that off for the last three years. No, what he'll do is let oil companies use the space for peanuts to store oil that they still own, so when the price goes up, they're the ones making bank instead of taxpayers. And in return, they'll contribute to his campaign and Organization.
  14. Given that con crud is a thing, I think you'd be crazy to attend any con until there's a vaccine that most people have gotten. Think mutant, lethal con crud. On steroids.
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