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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. I was under the impression it was double-premiere schedule, since technically the first 2 weeks were. Like 2 episodes air each week, with 4 every other week released online. Since that's how it started and Showtime was talking about an unusual release schedule. Looks like it's going to be a pretty normal release from now on.
  2. Lol "epuside". My typos are getting real bad. Perhaps the expectations of more progression came from thinking there would be 2-4 episodes. Oh well. S: I want the coroner to be an actual character. ::]::
  3. I was expecting a little more progression in episode 5. However, although it didn't progress as much I would've liked, it was a hilarious episode.
  4. Sometimes my nipples get hard. I bet it's man-lactation.
  5. I didn't say it was normal per se, just that it isn't uncharacteristic of the setting nor the characters.
  6. The inmate was a serial killer planning to torture and mutilate Killua. He made that perfectly clear. And amorality invalidates a story? The characters aren't moral at all times. Morality changes in context to different situations. If the characters reacted all all the time as nothing but the virtuous good guys I probably wouldn't like them all that much. That kind of character tends to bore me, or even frustrate me given they're often poorly written to be presented as good even when doing shitty things. Gon is presented with a fairly stark, matter of fact way. You're not expected to feel any specific way about him, the show more or less let's you decide for yourself if you like or empathize with him without the standard hokey romanticized heroism. Also, contradiction is a large part of Gon's character arc, intentionally so. His moral hypocrisy regarding the Troupe is really telling about him. Plus, contradiction is a part of strong character writing since it makes characters multifaceted. I'm sure there are unintended holes in his character, such is the case with every character ever, I just don't think they're so extreme nor really in the areas you want them to be.
  7. One of the first things to happen in the exams was Kurapika and Leorio getting pissed at Hisoka for slaughtering a group of randos and attacking him. And Gon blindly going back for them because he wanted to make sure they were okay. Or when Killua kills the inmate, Kurapika and Leorio are visibly disturbed and Gon just comes off as confused by it. Or when they had to restrain themselves from going after Hanzo when he effectively tortured Gon. But yeah, totally right. They so didn't care.
  8. But as I've pointed out, they did care. It wasn't uncommon for characters to make an upset face after seeing a death, then to continue with whatever they had to do for the exam. Focusing on the task as a high priority in the face of danger isn't that unusual and I don't see you levying this complaint against any other anime that kills off random extras with little-to-no reaction, which is practically every other action series or shonen. It comes off like hyperbolic bias against a character you don't like rather than a strong criticism. It also doesn't help that you seem to think a "good upbringing" prevents sociopathy, which is simply not true whether or not you think Gon is sociopathic. I mean, I told you YorkNew was really good and you didn't believe me. Chimera Ant is even better.
  9. There you go. You just destroyed your own argument for him being a sociopath. Sociopaths don't care about anyone but themselves. Yes, he's selfish to the point of only caring about people he likes. But when he cares, he genuinely cares. You treat it like this is unintentional.
  10. He's a kid that doesn't fully understand ethics and struggles with selfishness. He had very little social interaction since his aunt lived in the middle of nowhere and there weren't really any other kids to play with. A part of growing up and learning morality comes from social interaction and building relationships, something Gon only had with his aunt and.... well, animals, which don't teach right or wrong. And considering the eventual "sociopathy" comes from *major spoilers* calling it "sociopathic" is a misnomer. You can't care about people other than yourself and still be a sociopath. Gon cares about Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, his aunt, so on. That's not possible for a sociopath. It would be fair to call hin selfish, given that's always been a part of his character. Sociopath, on the other hand, indicates a poor understanding of the material.
  11. I go to this place that serves curry ramen.
  12. Already do too much of that. ::HMM::
  13. Tried :420:, then teh shrooms, then salvia, then overdosed hard via teh shrooms.... where do I go from here? (Nothing addictive or able to kill me, btw)
  14. Whichever is more willing to fuck you...... Canines.
  15. He's a dog, fuggs. He'll cum to basically anything.
  16. Sex with fuggs:
  17. You just paid attention. -_'
  18. He's mental retardation personified.
  19. All I've heard is that he didn't want to come out of retirement.
  20. Get the Cajun fries. Those be way better.
  21. I hear it's possible to fail the test. That's why I never tried OKC. Never try, never fail. Amirite or amirite?
  22. Yeah, so they never see the light of day.
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