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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. When it cools down, it seriously smells like nail polish to me.
  2. They broke the fall probably by moving down with her at a slower velocity gradually decreasing the rate of movement as they go down, basically mitigating the momentum. To clarify, the force is decreased because they move in the same direction instead of against. And having multiple people divides the force of impact among everyone making contact, reducing the force put into any single person. Nothing especially metoculous about it. To break an arm, you'd have to be the sole idiot moving in the opposite direction of the girl. If you don't understand basic physics, you really shouldn't pretend to be a global warming expert.
  3. Shut up, stupid.
  4. Couldn't even be bothered to give it a less stupid name, eh?
  5. dollargeneral.com/fat-hookups/worst-bang-for-your-buck
  6. heartattackgrill.com
  7. I'll eat mayo on a very select few things. Not sure I can tell the difference between mayo and Miracle Whip, I just know their both kinda bleh unless put into very specific circumstances. I don't like Dijon on anything.
  8. There's a gay genocide?! That sounds serious. I bet mochi would know more about that. Please, tell us about it.
  9. I hope so. Fuggs is wrong about virtually everything, so it would pretty much guarantee we aren't idiots if she thinks we are.
  10. Yeah, your threads would be a lot better if you weren't involved with them.
  11. A yeast infection
  12. What if your roommate had been the Zodiac Killer?
  13. This one.
  14. Lay off the crack for a while.
  15. This Rachel story is fucking weird. I don't know if they expect the viewer to buy it with the last season literally ending with her declaring she'll kill the other clones and attempting to murder Sarah a few hours before the beginning of this season, wherein she's supposedly changed her mind? I mean Kira did say it's different now, and presuming she can "feel" Rachel as well, that comes off as a really difficult to swallow turn.
  16. Pretty great season. Except for Chuck. He did not have a good season. It was the worst season for the worst person.
  17. Since nobody ruined Jingai's power: Can only control gravity of dicks whilst holding them in his mouth.
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