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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. Haven't you made this same thread 20 times and wound up unanimously rejected every single time? Don't answer that, it's rhetorical. We already know the answer: Yes.
  2. It doesn't matter if it "can". Technology isn't developed over night. Just because it can't do x, y, or z now does not mean it will never be developed enough to replace senile old geezers with superiority complexes.
  3. I'm surprised you liked Steins;Gate. Your taste is routinely terrible, so wouldn't expect you to like excellence. Haven't watched Your Name yet, though. So.... that's all.
  4. That's how I am with shrooms. They're great and all but I feel like I pee on myself whenever I go to the bathroom. Haven't seen the Bob's Burgers ep, though.
  5. So, you're a hypocrite. Got it.
  6. That's what I wanted to hear.
  7. And you're still here dragging out he discussion even after I clearly presented a conclusion. Which is only about nothing because your side lost. ::]:: And you're only in here because you're trying to fuck with me. If it were any other user, you would've ignored the thread. So.... ::spin::
  8. The other day I got a cookie that was supposed to be eaten in 5ths and just ate the whole thing. That was a terrible idea and I'd probably do it again.
  9. 1pooh4u[/member] We should hang out and be :420: and shroom buddies. Beer is for geeks!
  10. But the industry is the production and commerce of the product. The product's quality is irrelevant to the functionality of the industry so long as consumers are still buying and companies can still produce. A more cogent question would be "How did Prohibition Era ruin the industry standards?" Bam! Fixed. No more confusion. Opinion doesn't come before using the word in ways that make sense.
  11. Somebody should write a book about a senile janitor who thinks he's a scientist and does stand up comedy bits where he mistakes the boos for a positive response.
  12. *knocks Cucket's tiny dick out of Nab's mouth* ?
  13. Yes, because "eat shit and die, blindy" didn't. Fuck you, Nab, you piece of shit retard.
  14. I pointed out there wasn't a correlation. Bucket was the one who threw a massive tantrum. He didn't "correct" me, he didn't put up coherent arguments, he did nothing but call me a retarded dickhead or tell me to "eat shit and die, blindy". But here you are, white knighting like a motherfucker. It isn't my fault he flipped out, nor that he had literally nothing of value to pose in opposition. You really need to go fuck yourself, Nab. I don't give a fuck about this discussion. Your bitch fit is a nuisance, and your white knighting is migraine inducing.
  15. You mean "Cucket"? That's a nickname, Nab. And the intention wasn't to instigate an argument. He, and eventually you, refused to explain the correlation. I just love your dumbass "proof" bullshit where you toss out the post that's allegedly misinterpreted and say "herpderp read it thats why ur wrong". No conceptualization of why it's wrong, no explanation, just look at the thing you supposedly interpreted wrong and clearly aren't seeing in the same way, but fuck, just putting it here 10 times is gonna clear things up. Had Cucket, Wacky, or you simply explained the correlation (which I disagree with and have made a clearer argument over than either you or him) we wouldn't still be here, and you wouldn't be bordering an aneurysm over the dumbest shit imaginable. So fuck off, Nab.
  16. And you're still dressed like an ashtray.
  17. You realize I insulted Bucket after he insulted me first, right? Seems you have a weird vendetta boner for me. It's cool, not judging. A tad strange, though.
  18. I just scrolled through my FB and turns out my friends aren't terrible, so I didn't see any of this. Also, lol at how immensely salty Cucket is these days.
  19. It's not my fault I interpreted the phrase "ruined industry" to mean "ruined industry" as opposed to the psuedo-definition you and your bff made up.
  20. I can't sate the enjoyment I get out of watching you white knight a white supremacist. I can't help it. ?
  21. Even better, they should just not let you on.
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