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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. Admin[/member] bigdick[/member] lost her password
  2. And still unable to get laid. On the bright side give it a couple more years and you'll be a wizard.
  3. MySpace circa 2007 apparently.
  4. Sex becomes a low priority when you smell too bad to get any. Also,
  5. I found proper representation of woman after going on a date with Zenigundam[/member].
  6. The convenience store stood before the scene started and I didn't get construction out of it. It looked like they were raiding, possibly damaging the store. My best guess would be the bomb interacted with it moreso than created. Thinking back on the Secret Lives, I don't think there were any instances where anyone saw a Lodge spirit outside the portal predating the bomb. There had been people stumbling into it and getting ejected, but - as far as I recall - nobody seeing the entities aside from inside the Lodges. But after, there seem to be a bunch of interacts from the outside. Perhaps it created a passage from their side rather than strictly from our side? Also, to clarify, I should correct my previous response. I don't know if they had any express implications the Woodsman existed before the bomb, that was bad wording on my end. I meant the Woodsman didn't seem like it was being created by the bomb, so if he wasn't you could infer he already existed.
  7. Fatso.
  8. I look forward to it when I have nothing to do on the 4th. Then again, I got sick of yearly fireworks over a decade ago.
  9. lol fuggs asks people out via FB. What a loser!
  10. Eh, I don't think this was the creation of the Black Lodge. Things like the Woodsman seemed to have existed before the bomb. BOB's always been a manifestation of malice, but he's never been the only manifestation of malice.
  11. Another janitor made a smart business move. Meanwhile, Packard is stuck in an [youtube autoplay=1]
  12. No. Only losers ask people out over FB.
  13. So nothing like what Viper did?
  14. Pretty sure Go is written by people who had nothing to do with the original and hadn't even watched it.
  15. I see someone likes their net worth to be in the negatives.
  16. 77% Seen some but not nearly 77%
  17. Only if we count crying in your room while masturbating as "tons of parties and sex."
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