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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. The best scene:
  2. Cheese is the only right kind of cake.
  3. What's the highest he's offering?
  4. Watch out, Ginguy[/member]. We all know you're a fuckwit already.
  5. That's all? Like.... what?
  6. If you watch all 4, you have to wait until June 4th to get more.
  7. There are more episodes out. Weird move, but I got 4-hours of new TP last night.
  8. How many episode aired on Showtime? From Mewn[/member]'s post it only sounds like 1 or 2? I ask because Amazon's Showtime channel has 4 episodes, which I promptly watched all of. Started shaky for me, but the episodes kept getting so much better. I'll try marking each episode individually. A couple minor scenes might spill into the wrong episode, but I don't think any of the serious stuff will. Anyway, episode 1, Episode 2: Episode 3: Episode 4:
  9. Yeah, Jingai. It would be pretty insemsitive of you to compare your meat to leather before using it to fuck a cow.
  10. I effectively don't care if it's a troll or not. Fuggs is a fun little punching bag to waste some time on.
  11. Say more things.
  12. You say this and then don't tell us? Monster! whut
  13. I got temped and it was pretty easy to get around via proxy.
  14. To commemorate the tragic loss of this esteemed poster: Bump. R.I.P. Zenigundumb
  15. Your picture shows a cat that is either very happy or trying to sleep, fuggs.
  16. It is very easy to tell the difference between a cat that likes its owner from one that doesn't.
  17. How did you get this stupid?
  18. What kind of loser posts 500 times on a shitty message board like this?
  19. I'd call this thread retarded, but it's a Nab thread, so that'd be redundant.
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