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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. Can only regenerate already healed injuries to the worst patt of the injury. The ability to ruin other peoples abilities with no downside.
  2. They are.
  3. Yeah, your threads are pretty shitty.
  4. At least now you're getting why the bulk of your threads got "Nobody fucking cares" as the consensus response.
  5. Either you forgot to include your current kid in the equation or she's Phillies' waifu. -_'
  6. Goddamnit, Phillies. Always getting himself all knocked up by mailmen.
  7. Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Showtime. By the way, the best viewing order is seasons 1-2, then the movie, then "The Return" (season 3).
  8. Lol at Hamlin having to babytalk Chuck.
  9. I love Dougie. I want him to be back to normal for at least a decent chunk of the show, but I can dig a few more Dougie episodes.
  10. naraku360


    It was overall pretty good, imo. I struggled to see it as being tragic in the way most people did, though. My primary gripe was how antagonists were portrayed. The main cast were mostly solid characters, wherein the antagonists were caricature-grade villains with really no redeeming qualities. It was frustrating to watch for that reason. The lack of depth and sheer monstrosity of the villains took a great deal of weight off the conflicts given to the otherwise reasonably good cast. So, it boiled down to a strong leading cast, but poor conflicts instigated by characters too extreme for me to take seriously. It was too bad I couldn't buy into the antagonists nor the shit they'd pull, otherwise it was totally my kind of show. I can see why someone would like it a lot for the main group. It was less memorable for me because of the characters surrounding the main bunch became too big a distraction.
  11. I was wrong. He dumped the whole bottle out and replaced them after counting. Just checked. I had thought there were still pills in the bottle when he started pouring them in. So I was confused as to why he'd mix them. Answer: Because he didn't. That's my bad. His plan makes sense.
  12. Wow. This was real interesting. I mean it. We are just so invested in your life. ::]::
  13. They do act fast, but I don't know if having one of Hector's episodes will be guarenteed to result in a stroke if unmedicated. I'd have to rewatch the scene, but I remember seeing pills still in the bottom of the bottle before he starts dropping anything in. If he replaces everything it would make sense. If not, I don't know what the plan is.
  14. im new 2 how do u maek post here ?
  15. Yeah, but he only pulled half the bottle out to swap with a bunch of fakes, right? It's like he's not even planning to take them back. I think the ibeprofen piece makes a little more sense in the way of it not killing him right away and probably having to take more doses before really showing the full effect of the fakes. Just I don't see how to make it work when he mixed a bunch of both. Like, 1-2 poisons or a full bottle of ibeprofen seem like better ideas. Unless I saw incorrectly, his method either doesn't care about returning the real stuff or I have no idea what he's planning. Did I completely misunderstand? I thought he took out real meds and replaced them with fakes, but didn't do the whole bottle.
  16. I didn't see what he filled it with, so I was thinking poison of some sort. I guess that's meddling with dosage timing if it's not something that hurts him directly. I was thinking his method is iffy. How can he swap them back if he poured so many in (on top of the real stuff)? Ibeprofen makes a bit more sense than what I was thinking as far as what he did, compared to what I thought he was doing. I was wondering why he didn't toss one poison pill, presumably something strong enough to kill an old guy with a single pill, and play the waiting game. Namely so Hector would eat the evidence and die from it.
  17. Nab is just being obsessively contrarian to anyone who rubbed him a little the wrong way, even if it means white knighting for Bucket and fuggs.
  18. Everything is tl;dr to you. Because you're too dumb; can't read.
  19. Or get blood transfusions. -_'
  20. No, it probably doesn't smell like you.
  21. I guess more gay people need blood transfusions than straight. ::]:: https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/risk/estimates/riskbehaviors.html
  22. > That's half, Bucket. The other half must be, you know..... not gay. -_'
  23. Lol Packard thinks we'll believe he has a friend.
  24. Called it. ::spin::
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