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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. If you aren't accounting for finances in your use of the word "industry" it's because you're using the word wrong. Because the definition explicitly refers to economic activity. Simple google search, GO!: in·dus·try ˈindəstrē/Submit noun 1. economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories. "the competitiveness of American industry" synonyms: manufacturing, production; construction "Canadian industry" 2. hard work. "the kitchen became a hive of industry" synonyms: activity, busyness, energy, vigor, productiveness; More https://www.google.com/search?q=industry+definition&oq=industr&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j69i59l2j0.5269j0j4&client=ms-android-att-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 Hmmmm. Not seeing where a palate fits in. Let's try another definition! Definition of industry plural industries 1 : diligence in an employment or pursuit; especially : steady or habitual effort 2 a : systematic labor especially for some useful purpose or the creation of something of value b : a department or branch of a craft, art, business, or manufacture; especially : one that employs a large personnel and capital especially in manufacturing c : a distinct group of productive or profit-making enterprises the banking industry d : manufacturing activity as a whole the nation's industry 3 : work devoted to the study of a particular subject or author the Shakespeare industry https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/industry Funny, two definitions, nothing a "national palate" influences! Huh, which of these would be ruined by a damaged "national palate"? I'm afraid I must not be seeing the same definition, so please translate your NaBucketese into English.
  2. Why must you be so persistent in your stupidity?
  3. Eh. One pill seems like a stretch to get to that assessment. Maybe put something in the pill he dropped.
  4. That palate=/=industry You could theoretically have a low qualiry product topping charts (ex: McDonald's) and have a functioning industry. Hence, "how did prohibition ruin the beer industry?" is an irrelevant question in response to saying prohibition ruined the palate. I've explained this multiple times. You agreed that McD's can sell low quality products and still keep the industry thriving. This also contradicts the notion that bad palate = ruined industry
  5. That literally wasn't what I was arguing with. Are you completely ignoring the actual discussion because you're too much of a dumbass to comprehend the simple premise?
  6. I'm typing on a phone, fast, and legally blind. I miss the N pretty often. If you think basic typos are a signifier of intelligence, it's probably because you're an insufferably stupid cockjockey. I didn't bother correcting your use of "pallet" instead of "palate" because it wasn't relevant. It's a vain attempt to make you look stupid when there's plenty of other ways to highlight how you do it on your own. If that's all you got, just say so, fatso.
  7. Actually, you did. You're resorting to being contrarian for the sake of contrarianism. Get fucking rekt, Cucketeer.
  8. Respond to the content, not typos, fartguzzler.
  9. How does ruining a palate equate to ruining an industry, Nabitchboy?
  10. Eat it as much as you like. It's still terrible food.
  11. That's fine, I'm not arguing it did. I'm arguing the correlation between palate and industry is flimsy at best.
  12. No, I'm arguing that making a bad product doesn't inherently equate to the desimation of an industry. Ex: McDonald's makes bad burgers that sell imcredibly well. Burger industry is fine, the palate is fine. McDonald's is still junk. I'm not, strictly speaking, agreeing with the original post. I'm contesting Cucket's interpretation. Simply disagreeing with me doesn't automatically mean I'm arguing 'semantics'.
  13. Sure you did. ::]::
  14. Ruining a national palate has nothing to do with ruining an industry.
  15. Okay....
  16. Palate, Cucket. He meant palate. pal·ate ˈpalət/Submit noun noun: palate; plural noun: palates 1. the roof of the mouth, separating the cavities of the nose and the mouth in vertebrates. synonyms: roof of the mouth, hard/soft palate "the tea burned her palate" 2. a person's appreciation of taste and flavor, especially when sophisticated and discriminating. "a fine range of drink for sophisticated palates" synonyms: (sense of) taste, appetite, stomach "menus to suit the tourist palate" taste or flavor of wine or beer. Not.... wallet? Wtf did you even think pallet meant?
  17. :420: and shrooms are better than alcohol. Also, salvia was pretty awesome.
  18. I'll give you that despite being far worse in nearly every aspect, at least Akame ga Kill had the decency to end. But then again I suppose, in a certain respect, so did One Piece. >
  19. Yeah, he's up to something with the pill. Just watch it go the way of ricin.
  20. If Akame ga Kill got great ratings, it's a testament to the horrible taste of the viewers.
  21. www.dumbfatties.com/a1-sauce/queef
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