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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. You have to do the 2 girls, 1 cup thing with him.
  2. Biden can kick rocks and go the fuck away. Fucked us straight into a second Trump term.
  3. AQPIZtp8CKuhvx8xLoYcjLzdkDUyZaoVBprcUWEJ6wTz2nFbQEGboVT7kNXfRcgsqHBpQ4hZOKIJK4qeFJ8Zy8Zg.mp4
  4. I know it's impossible for such a whale, but it would rule if Trump froze to death waiting for the crowd to get bigger.
  5. Time to scrape it into her pronoun thread, where this dumbass shit belongs. Edit: Oops, misgendered. Glad I caught that. Might've gotten cancelled into my own Netflix special.
  6. What do those say on it?
  7. You can't define anything because you're a braindead imbecile.
  8. What does gender identity have to do with that?
  9. And you can't define a woman on ability to get pregnant.
  10. Still not seeing a valid chair definition.
  11. A seating cushion is not a chair. We have a word for 'couch' because there's a distinction, no matter how small or trivial it may be. You failed your definition. Why do you even care about who calls themselves what? It never has, and never will, impact you in any way. Shit like this is why you've failed to establish a single friendship in 60 years.
  12. If I lay a cushion designed for sitting on the ground, it's a chair.
  13. Yes, we all see you. Are couches chairs? What about swings on playgrounds? What about car seats?
  14. So uncomfortable chairs are not chairs?
  15. Maybe she was born with it. Maybe it was her brother-mother fucking her sister-father.
  16. No amount of plastic surgery will hid how much of a shit eating goblin you are, bitch.
  17. Define the word "chair." You won't be able to using this logic. Because it's stupid.
  18. What if they're born without a working uterus?
  19. Well, considering your age, your mother must not be a woman any more, either. Did you start calling her "dad" 30 years ago?
  20. Except for the hormonal replacement, retard.
  21. Laughter is for leftists.
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