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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. Shame nobody in power has enough of a spine to contest it.
  2. The actions are nothing new. Republicans have been doing this since well before I was born. Like, since before most of us were. The extent was enough to smell fishy going back to election day. That's what's new this time.
  3. After the report I posted from Secular Talk, I'm unfortunately leaning toward it being stolen. We were getting alarm bells over voter purges by republicans. I couldn't have seen 3.5m coming, though.
  4. The fact that a military coup is preferable to what's happening is a testament to how much of a shitshow we're in.
  5. Wasn't a sizable chunk of Harris' campaign also from normal employees?
  6. Yes. Yes, she is.
  7. Oh, so you weren't saying they oppose RFK Jr for being bought by big pharma because you think he's against big pharma? Alright, then you're mildly less dumb. Still ridiculous as fuck to think RFK Jr isn't bought when he keeps getting money from them. And to suggest Sanders is pro-big pharma is simply beyond ludicrous.
  8. Why would someone want to oppose someone for being bought by the same people they are? That's one of the dumbest arguments you've ever made, and that's quite a precedent to meet. Nobody here likes big pharma. We just think your point is fucking stupid.
  9. She's one of my last punching bags. 😢
  10. Who is she tricking? Everyone knows she's retarded.
  11. https://www.yahoo.com/news/country-says-hmmm-elon-musk-162407879.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9sLmZhY2Vib29rLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAAF0DtGaFwSRs6mC8Dx8r--6ILCP8KXnIzynBTS7U9lQlEauUrHpAISWSAfV0Ah0Fk0dy7vXOXOWUy9zmRTpKyrswsAgAHhe2mYXFFE9_ZmP1lK6Wbt9J6cvQ8vap5C0Excpe45IiBrmSYocK8ZffZ3EVGddBTeFzIPjsuQQtaTH Musk doing a rush job on the president's plane through a company whose planes keep crashing is the best news we've had in months.
  12. Why would the people getting paid by big pharma be opposed to someone paid by big pharma? You absolute retard.
  13. You think they oppose the guy who gets money from big pharma because they are bought by..... big pharma....? ..... ............. .................. ..........................................
  14. I probably posted this here before, but I still think it was funny as fuck when the whole Other Anime folder dogpiled me when I was like 14 for saying Monster was a weird choice for the SyFy anime block. They couldn't understand that a crime drama about a neirosurgeon tracking down the kid he saved after discovering he was a psychopathic serial killer was odd to put in a block dedicated to scifi/fantasy. Like at first they made it out like I thought it had to be sci-fi (I didn't) and kept pointing to fantasy series and the name change from SciFi to SyFy. Then it turned into "Monster is fiction and has medical science and is a psychological thriller, so it's science fiction!" I like 1 v Foldered them over an arbitrary comment about it being way more grounded than anything else, so it struck me as strange. Not even a complaint.
  15. Oh no! I'm sure they really want on Twitter!
  16. I wonder if the point was to make air travel less safe to keep people trapped here.
  17. I'm just going to call it the Gulf of Mexico anyway. Fuck them.
  18. Lol the top comment
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