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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. Why is there extensive evidence of a large scale information cover-up by the corporations which would benefit the most? Why did it target climate change research? What were they scared of? Boy, I wish I could figure out this difficult 2 piece jigsaw puzzle.
  2. It's definitely Nabs.
  3. They are correct.
  4. That's because you're lazy and stupid.
  5. So you're not only too dumb to read screenname, but also can't tell avatars apart? Dumb bitch.
  6. Fixed
  7. Maple syrup and a crush on Trudeau but only while he's in blackface.
  8. Shut up, woman.
  9. To be fair, she barely seems aware that there are more than her and like 1 other person here.
  10. Just because they never worked doesn't mean you didn't use them.
  11. Your favorite pickup line is to "goo goo gah gah" at women 1/10th your age, isn't it?
  12. My pronouns are shut the fuck up, Packard, and you suck giant ballsacks full of dicks.
  13. The richest among us get away with saying "retarded" for the same reason I do: they are retarded.
  14. So, I made the hasty decision to chuck my good, but now covered in vomit, headphones and bought new headphones. Everything seemed good with them.... Except when I tried to plug it in, it turns out what came in the box was the previous model so the cable doesn't fit and the Bluetooth name suggests some guy named Kevin owned them previously. Instacart might give me full credits back, though. Hopefully I can just keep them for effectively free.
  15. Nabs would need Packard to make himself look stunning.
  16. I was about to say, "Where else would his kids come from?" Then I remembered that he can't get pregnant no matter how big of a pussy he is.
  17. My day so far: Wake up Start eating Have gag reflex for no reason other than trying to swallow Realize this occasionally causes me to puke, so I lie down in hopes it calms down It did not calm down I did not manage to get off the floor and to the bathroom So... I threw up while lying face up I guess that's what puking into your own face is like. 0/10, would not do again.
  18. I don't actually have a strong opinion on Sealab. Didn't watch it much. I just rthought the sass deserved a react.
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