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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. Wtf are you even attempting to say?
  2. Would he land on Vance's lap or face?
  3. Mine does because I eat too much Taco Bell.
  4. Packard having no interest in life beyond numbers on Credit Karma is actually kinda sad.
  5. I don't care. That doesn't change whether or not it's inherently impressive. It isn't, by the way.
  6. I don't care and haven't said anything about your mortgage. I'm just not particularly impressed by a grown man paying his bills. It's like the bare minimum expectation for being an adult.
  7. Yeah? I pay my bills too. Pretty sure most of us do. Is there anything you want in life other than a good credit ascore?
  8. Look dude, you almost exclusively value money, and your accomplishments aren't anything special. There's nothing wrong with being satisfied with your life, but spending your time here to brag about how having a crappy job for 3 decades makes you brilliant and above everyone else only demonstrates how deeply dissatisfied with your choices you actually are. You aren't here because you're successful. You're here to make yourself feel successful, while trying to drag everyone else down with you. It isn't the fault of anyone here that you regret your life choices and you're possibly the last person who could convince anyone here to settle.
  9. We watches NHK in hopes he'll catch one of those news reports he found on Pornhub.
  10. It doesn't even function. Why would I need to live like nobody else now to do it later?
  11. I'd suggest you explain it yourself, but you're Packard.
  12. That's not a very good quote.
  13. I.... can't tell how serious this is.
  14. You also think smoke having a smell is some kind of mass hallucination, so..... You aren't prone to "unpopular" opinions so much as you're virtually exclusive to dumb ones.
  15. I don't know what you think congress does but I'm very certain it's not what they do.
  16. This post is more irony than any pipe in human history.
  17. Somehow, fireworks are more surprising than one exploding on its own.
  18. Why did Tesla stiuff their cars with fireworks? Sounds like a design flaw.
  19. He didn't say anything about poop, though! That's the entire joke!
  20. The most offensive thing in this thread is the misused "Bar har har!" I'm unusually annoyed by this.
  21. Keep MC Gee Gee's name out of your fucking mouth!
  22. So, it doesn't exist and you need to blame someone else for you saying a thing you couldn't prove. Stfu
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