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André Toulon

Abyss Watcher
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André Toulon last won the day on January 8

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  1. Well, work ethic and ability to do the job are 2 different things. My daughter has the work ethic...in fact, i try to nake her slow down because she'll have plenty of time to be a cog later...but i think she gets bored easily...like me. My son will definitely have earbuds in the whole time and ignoring any instructions....ans while it slightly troubles me, i did the same shit...i have confidence he'll come in clutch later in life.....but my sentiment is everything they've learned has been in some sort of computer based media and they have 0 application skills. Anything utilitarian, I taught them out of necessity but there's also shit I can't/don't do...like laundry. So they just stack clothes in a chair like i do until i finally feel like hanging it up. So if you asked either of my kids work in a field, they're shot because unlike me growing up, they barely went outside other than to ride bikes to the store. Oh, but i must give the boy props on growing plants and veggies. I have no idea how he discovered this talent because i cant even grow weed and i love that shit...him and his earbuds may save us from starving
  2. They keep playing the clip of Trump's awesome damage control and he sound like Packard blaming the technology
  3. Just two fisted a Walmart rotisserie chicken....they can never make me hate you
  4. I can only speak anecdotally about the child labor thing, but are we going to "force" them to fill these roles and just accept subpar quality, because you cant get a current teenager to flip burgers, muxh less pick fucking oranges or wetf they do in Florida. And while on the surface, its annoying.... logically, these kids aren't conditioned for those jobs anymore. They are definitely better trained for content creation and online scams...cant imagine how that happened🙄. Point being, these kids dont know how to do shit that the guys you deported can do.
  5. Well, that shit could cause seizures...ive never seen it happen but i remember sponges saying he blocked a sig because it was gonna make him seize
  6. Chicken biscuit.
  7. More red snapper
  8. Red fucking snapper. You can get this NOWHERE here, so when you see it, you gotta grab it.
  9. Doing it by choice is fine but I can't, in good faith send someone to a place where they wouldn't even get a derail.
  10. I was going to link you to the YT video thread but they apparently moved it to movies and TV and I would never tell anyone to post in that wasteland on purpose, so carry on...my apologies.
  11. So far, 4 Reeses cups.... probably an icecream/almond bar next.....but kinda want more Reeses cups. Stay awake and bake sitch here.
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