Well, work ethic and ability to do the job are 2 different things. My daughter has the work ethic...in fact, i try to nake her slow down because she'll have plenty of time to be a cog later...but i think she gets bored easily...like me.
My son will definitely have earbuds in the whole time and ignoring any instructions....ans while it slightly troubles me, i did the same shit...i have confidence he'll come in clutch later in life.....but my sentiment is everything they've learned has been in some sort of computer based media and they have 0 application skills.
Anything utilitarian, I taught them out of necessity but there's also shit I can't/don't do...like laundry. So they just stack clothes in a chair like i do until i finally feel like hanging it up. So if you asked either of my kids work in a field, they're shot because unlike me growing up, they barely went outside other than to ride bikes to the store.
Oh, but i must give the boy props on growing plants and veggies. I have no idea how he discovered this talent because i cant even grow weed and i love that shit...him and his earbuds may save us from starving