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Everything posted by BlackNoir

  1. It was designed for basic bitches.
  2. @That_One_Guy
      • 2
      • Haha
  3. Dammit, I worked....I mean someone worked really hard on that obituary.
  4. Weather outlets giving out bad info almost let to me getting caught on the gulf coast in Katrina.....I literally was going to stay in my apartment 3 blocks off the shoreline because I had ran from so many drizzles that were supposed to be monster storms. It was sheer luck that my mother finally convinced me to come stay at my uncle's further inland.
  5. Ah WebFilter....It's the public library all over again. I don't even know if it has a password feature....You just turn it off.
  6. Well, I'll be honest....A lot of the threads (and by a lot I mean like 3 that i can think of) have already been made here. Out side of those, I like coming to your threads in the other folder where you look for help navigating the site....Mostly because I'm just now learning myself....I used to do nothing but post with the defaults intact. Now I customize my shit. But mostly, it's because you post in FFA and shitposting drowns everything out....If you.....Know what, I was about to make a bad suggestion. Just wait until you see it for yourself.
  7. Senran Kagura is your game.
  8. Is this about doing coke
  9. Well I was looking for something else, but I ran across this....I have no idea why it made me laugh so hard.
  10. He also needs a better job.
  11. Your life seems so complicated.
  12. Little Caesar's has a ranch dipping sauce.....But since their pizza sucks anyway, maybe it's necessary.
  13. I would assist in a few deaths around here.
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