I was already doing drugs before they fully disappeared so I don't know when it actually happened....All I know is I woke up one morning after having my daughter, and prepped some cereal, grabbed the remote, threw it on ABC and "We welcome you to Marvin's bass fishing adventure"
No matter....There's always FOX "And how much do you think this wicker laundry hamper I found in my grandmother's basement is worth"
......Ummmm...NBC? I mean their cartoons sucked but hey...Any port in a storm "AND YOU TOO CAN MAKE THOUSANDS A DAY WITH MY EASY PROGRAM"
Like I said, a bunch of the hasbeen shit on Netflix like chris Tucker, Dave chappelle, Adam Sandler, Gabriel iglasias (which wasn't bad but still eh)and norm mac.
No one really.....After you watch 10 Netflix specials of hasbeens you get gun shy....I know there is new, fresh talent out there....But you can only watch so many painful bombings on stage before you just take a break.
1....Just beets.
And that list doesn't have nearly enough highly nope foods like chitterlings, liver, mountain oysters, octopus, rattle snake, alligator......
But yeah, there isn't a whole lot i won't at least try