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Everything posted by BlackNoir

  1. Well, this has been fun but I'm afraid I must take my leave
  2. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/hormel-lawsuit-reveals-natural-meat-070020164.html
  3. She is just the worst,
  4. This was a stupid bump
  5. Know what's really dumb.....Babies
  6. Oh, I mean makeup....She really cakes it on. I've seen her without it and she doesn't look bad, but she has some kinda fucked up skin. Still, it looks better than the Pennywise collection she's using.
  7. I watched a dude with no arms and legs dance today....It was hilarious but I felt bad.
  8. RKO outta nowhere
  9. LOL, I remember when she was hooked on speed.
  10. I don't speak Ninja....What are you trying to tell me, girl. Timmy stuck in the well?
  11. I know it will suck, and it's the only reason I haven't done this.....But i have made a conscious effort for a large part of my life to not bust open a can of Fancy Feast just to see what the hype is about.....Left to my own primal urges, I would have already done it.
  12. See, this chick gets it
  13. Are you the RainJesus I've been hearing so much about
  14. Multi-dimensional cuisine is too fancy for me.
  15. I will only have the finest bison, pls.
  16. Less than 30 posts to go....Come join me.
  17. You had to make it weird....Now I'm going to make my own shitpost thread.
  18. I ruptured my ear drum...What's your excuse.
  19. this gif needs to be burned
  20. It should be a ramen flavor. Speaking of which, how did I get chicken....I always buy beef or shrimp....Curse you Walmart.
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