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Everything posted by BlackNoir

  1. If legit, this is the hardest mfer on the planet....Only thing he missed was the promethazine butt chug.
  2. Pretty sure you can find the full version of "Smack My Bitch up" as well.....And they don't even have 18 and over restrictions.
  3. Oh, I had many....Sarah Connor in Terminator....Yup.
  4. Dude, I can still find the unedited version of Tip drill on YT.....Everything doesn't get hit....This vid has full twat in it at 1:25, and several titties. And if I can't find it again 3 years from now, I'll blame you
  5. This is so fucking stupid
  6. I posted one in some thread last night, but she's by far not the only one I missed..... I had a car and license when I was 15, so I was one of the few kids who drove to school.....There was this girl I had a crush on, but I was really shy around her....No idea why, because I was never really shy often. Anyway, I asked her if she wanted a ride after school one day, and she was like "sure".....We get to her house, and she doesn't turn on the TV or anything....SHe just walks me to her room and we sit on her bed. She says "I sit here alone every day after school" and my coward ass was like "duuurrr, okay...well I'll leave so I don't get in your way".....There was some laughing behind my back at school after that.....I think that's what killed my fear of girls....My fear of being ridiculed is far greater. She's fat now, so I feel better.
  7. I never really liked Halle Berry either, but this little scene from Swordfish did cause me to fap once....That tiny jiggle. Kids have it so easy this days with gifs.....Imagine being butt naked in your room with your dick in one hand and in the other a vhs remote trying to finish to this bullshit.
  8. Tara Reid just always came off a perpetually bitchy to me....I mean I have no reason for this other that her stupid face..... I think Dean Cain was Superman once....That is all I know about him.....Oh, and didn't he host some game show or some shit.
  9. Sigh....Why do you suck the fun out of everything....Jesus, I don't have lifelong diarrhea really, but it was my way of feudin' with Skiles Hatfield.....Go play with Wacky. Just like the time I said I wasn't registered to vote....Here comes granny Sorce to tell me to unplug my TV because it was cloudy outside
  10. I always have diarrhea...You tried to summon a monster that lived here.
  11. Went out the front door, yawned and stretched, then a bug flew down my throat.... This would discourage the average man, but I chased him with a red bull and a cold taco....Let's get it.
  12. I was raised by the TV
  13. Oh, I thought that meant dick (unless that's what you meant too) My Irish knowledge starts with Lucky Charms and ends with Conor McGregor.
  14. Fuck, You need to send me that.
  15. Oh, underbite....I saw underbits and was wondering why your dog got a boner when you eat.
  16. I definitely still get them....I don't know about mobile
  17. Ok, while I do find the staking out her break spot a bit creepy, I'm not the one you have to impress here....She may think it's cute if you bring it up on your 5th date that you were so shy....But you'll never know until you get over your fear. But this post gave me a little insight.....You're extremely patient...Almost to a fault if you put off talking to anyone hoping to catch this chick from school in between relationships. While patience is a virtue, it's also a curse....While you're waiting, you might actually be missing out on something better. Dude, being called ugly, especially during your teen years is something you really have to let go of....Not saying you still think you're ugly, but I got called ugly by girls I wound up "dating" later....It's all about popularity, and mean girl BS back then...Nothing to care about. As far as girls wanting to get to know a person, I mean that's always been a thing.....The internet asscracks of tinder and shit like it excuses this normalcy, but those sites are for losers who have no personality extending beyond lying in a profile greeting....Don't bother, you are far too charismatic for that shit. Ghostrek needs tinder....You can do better. But I'm out of advice at the moment...I should probably be doing something else.
  18. DON'T....Think about who is imploring you to listen to them.
  19. I doubt that...I doubt she knows you're interested and her looks back, which I'll assume you ducked your head when she did, only makes her wonder if maybe you are making these encounters happen on purpose, or she may be, and believe me...This is a thing, just annoyed that you won't take the shot when you have the opportunity. I get the fear of rejection thing...I remember those feeling....When I was fucking 13. Look man, as I've said, you're funny here, so the ammo is in your head...You're just terrified to pull the trigger irl.... Let me ask this....Have you ever been rejected...Like blatantly rejected....Not just in your head in a situation where you just gave up....Has a woman ever just swatted down your advances? See, because rejection isn't that bad....It's normally (unless she's a huge bitch) not as bad as you think it will be....I can count on 1 hand the times I've just been actually rejected.....Back in college I tried to talk to this girl and the "rejection" was simply "I have a girlfriend"....You might learn something....I doubt shes going to be like "how dare you talk to me you filthy nerd"....I can almost guarantee that's not going to happen. But no amount of typing is going to fix this....and no amount of ignoring your feelings will make them go away. I still have faith in you....I'm not ready to recommend hookers to you just yet like we did for Ghost.
  20. Pillows.....I just woke up
  21. I can't kill a man for 5 stacks. DoomzelWashingass is my tag on deepweb.....Cook up another 15 and I'll come see you.
  22. LOL
  23. Doesn't matter daddy...I'm going to bed....You don't have to mod right now
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