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Everything posted by Danger_Jules

  1. That's even worse than the Poliwrath thing, I gotta restart my Yellow game now. EDIT: Shit, I just remembered that Kanto originated Pokes only have their Hidden Abilities. So Machamp can't have both No Guard and Fissure after all. My bad. Would have been cool, though.
  2. did anybody actually comprehend what Jess Harnell was saying in that theme song without the captions? Bull Gator and Axl are blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah call Buddy Boar.
  3. and it hurts.
  4. What do you call the useless piece of skin at the end of the penis? The body!
  5. http://www.dltk-kids.com/pokemon/adoptions/083.gif
  6. They all got the answer in Final Jeopardy wrong, but the woman risked the least amount of money of the 3 contestants and that's how she won.
  7. But see, Mochi, now you can see why people dislike Pokemon based on humans (Such as Mr. Mime and Jynx), as well as Pokemon based off of objects (Such as Porygon).
  8. Yeah, but it also makes your urine come out funny sometimes. Like, sometimes, that shit will shoot out in multiple, little streams instead of one, normal stream. It's annoying as fuck.
  9. Cut is just a (Very) poor man's Strength, anyway. What really sets back Dunsparce in comparison is that he can't even use the Stick to increase his critical hit ratio (Or learn Night Slash for that matter).
  10. Dunsparce is a crappy monster too, and adding further insult, it has no resistances (Being pure Normal typed). So that does not say much outside of "One turd smells better than the other".
  11. Yeah, it's kind of sad, actually, because Farfetch'd is still, if anything, a cool looking Pokemon, being a duck that uses a leek as a weapon.
  12. . I don't care about sex, Zeni. But since you bring it up, Sonic the Hedgehog isn't exactly a means to become a demon in the sack, either
  13. I said Farfetch'd was horrible in battle, not that he wasn't cool looking.
  14. Otherwise, he wouldn't be such a shitty Pokemon to use. He has bad stats and a typing he is unable to use to distinguish himself from the likes of, say, Pidgeot or Dodrio.
  15. ?
  16. Ambipom is just a taller, uglier Aipom with an extra hand tail.
  17. I also heard that Elvis kicked the bucket.
  18. I've heard of Dicking Around, but this is ridiculous.
  19. It was a totally different experience from the cartoon, both in feel and creativity. That said, I enjoyed the film.
  20. Regular Show jumped the shark anyway. And we still have Steven Universe and We Bare Bears.
  21. Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers>All.
  22. Oh yeah, that's right, you can replay the game. Well, I am not trading away the one I have. It's the only one I have. You're just going to have to download Red, Blue or Yellow and catch one there.
  23. Wish I could, but you can literally only get one. Seriously, Mind Reader/Fissure Poliwraths are more valuable than Master Balls.
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