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Everything posted by Danger_Jules

  1. I wouldn't put it past them, as many times as they whore out these films. Hell, I just saw a Minion in my pants the last time I fapped.
  2. ...........................................
  3. Gamora: https://badwolfcosplay.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/img_8348.jpg
  4. I don't see why you even banned Zeni in the first place. You kept Stilgar and he acts far worse.
  5. I was. But I could only keep up a 3 match winning streak with it.
  6. I just wish it was not at 2 AM in the damn morning where most people are in the sack one way or another. -_'
  7. The worst thing is Glaceon would at least be a decent non STAB sweeper if it was not for it's shit speed and piss poor movepool. I mean, the majority of it is just Ice and Normal moves, both of which are easily walled by Steel types and especially Froslass.
  8. You can't expect much from what is mostly a poor man's Arcanine. But on an all Eeveelution team, you do need Flareon or else Steel types can just waltz in and screw over half your team.
  9. Being weak only to Poison and Steel and having a high Special Attack stat is definitely nothing to sneeze at.
  10. Both of those Sinnoh ones are hopefully outclassed by a combination of shitty speed and bad typing, but Leafeon at least has a better movepool than Glaceon.
  11. Glaceon, because Vaporeon can do everything the former can do, plus more (Except kill something with Mirror Coat).
  12. Detention from Kids WB.
  13. F is for Family and Bojack Horseman.
  14. Hitmonchan. He can learn all of the elemental punches and power them up with Iron Fist, providing type coverage. Hitmonlee and Hitmontop can't do that.
  15. Danger_Jules

    Toy Story

    That wasn't flying. That was falling with style.
  16. No, I was kidding. I would save lives by sucking my dad's and my mom's dicks.
  17. Well, originally, they weren't so obvious about it.
  18. It was shitty because all of the intelligent and civil conversation dried up and it became reduced to a gathering for assholes.
  19. At least he had a good and relatively long life. Some men die at the age of 60 or even their late 20s and they might not have even accomplished anything. Adam, on the other hand, was the star of a hit comic book based show and lived for 88 years.
  20. While Pokemon was the funnier and breezier franchise as a whole, Digimon was arguably the witter and more mature of the 2 anime adaptions. After all, you don't really see them discuss things such as overcoming loss, race and parental issues in Pokemon like they did in Digimon.
  21. Gotham City will never be the same without him, either.
  22. http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-video-games/pokemon-gold-version-and-pokemon-silver-version/
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