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Everything posted by Danger_Jules

  1. I like to think in the case of that show, it was something we looked at when we were kids because of the then relevant extreme sports show trend and flashy slang, but now are off put by the show's ultimate message that it's OK to be stupid as long as you can skateboard real high in the air.
  2. I got laid recently. In fact, I just got a good night's sleep in my comfy bed just now.
  3. It was an interesting concept, but kind of preachy.
  4. Rugrats>Wild Thornberries>Rocket Power.
  5. Those banks don't take much shit.
  6. Fall's not so far away, however.
  7. Stilgar has his own show now? Good thing I have my own remote. :
  8. Using the term gay as a derogatory, Zeni? What would Mochi say?
  9. Go watch a bear ride a motorcycle. Go visit the great wall of spackle.
  10. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-w-wTTxwnQto/UhutDTYWUNI/AAAAAAAAA2k/9GU1ehPehqE/s1600/001.jpg
  11. Danger_Jules


    You're retarded.
  12. .......
  13. I don't feel comfortable with spoinking a family member, even if she is a hot piece of ass.
  14. "You guys are all sick!" "Oh, be nice."
  15. If you are even watching television at all for fresh, original programming, you are royally shit out of luck. Most of the best shows are either digital/streaming or on DVD now.
  16. Nick as a whole is OH MAH GAWD LE NOSTALGIA bullshit. They just hide it underneath the modern day bullshit.
  17. Now, Mochi, we don't know if Rocko 2010s will turn out like that. PPG 2010s mostly sucks ass because of how downplayed and underpowered the girls are (They have to get saved by the Mayor of all people) compared to their more bad ass original incarnations and how bratty and more selfish they have become and the writing off of key character Sarah Bellum (A proven role model for the show) whereas the Rocko sneak peak has the same humor and spirit of the original show. Plus, this could be 1 big step Nick could take towards no longer being shitty.
  18. He finally has a reason to call it "Modern" now. Animation has changed a lot (It looks more flash-esqe now).
  19. And not Animaniacs?
  20. They say he's a menace, but I love him Sure, he smashes cities, but I love him.
  21. Especially when most of their good stuff is on DVD and digital/streaming anyway, making cable TV shows more pointless nowadays.
  22. Me no speaka da Crash Bandicoot, Zeni.
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