They will probably just rewrite him straight, just like how they did with the two gay men in Road To Eldorado when they instead made them both fall in love with that lady.
Why the fuck are breasts okay to sexuallize and fetishize over, but anything else is regarded as creepy and grounds for being dehumanized?!
Either it all should be okay to obsess over or nothing should be!
In B4 that idiot Stilgar comes in and harasses me with another feet pic.
"Hi. If you're different, I'm going to shame you for it because my life is that insignificant and I'm that bored and deprived of anything more productive to do with my time."
Yesh, but the Machamp with Fissure that was in Gen 1 can be transferred to Sun and Moon through Virtual Console.
Thing is, it will have Steadfast, not No Guard.