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Everything posted by Danger_Jules

  1. The Boards as a whole died because their spirit died. What was once a group of like minded weirdos embracing their weirdness devolved into a beacon for dumbass jerks to be dumbass jerks towards other dumbass jerks. Even if the Boards came back, it would not be the same environment it once was, just unnecessary drama central. So yeah, who gives a shit anymore?
  2. It's new. I'm not saying it's destined to be the next South Park or Futurama. I'm just saying it has the making of at least an amusing show with an honest effort at humor.
  3. Well, in hindsight, Ugly Americans had 3 seasons under it's belt and a cult following. Whereas Jeff and Some Aliens is new, far too new for it to even compare to the likes of something like the aforementioned or Venture Bros.
  4. With the way they ended this season, now a 2nd season is really called for.
  5. Not even this one? http://www.themaskbiz.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/s/i/sik.jpg
  6. I mean, admittedly, that tiny little stub can have it's perks too (Like less pain when wearing underpants). When you have a big ass dick, it can be really uncomfortable to wear briefs whereas a small wiener would leave less to be constricted by the material.
  7. And on a cliffhanger too. We never got to hear Killface's story of his race, nor did we get to see what happened to him, Xander and Simon when they went to space.
  8. Oh, goodness. The four letter S-Word.
  9. as and eat them.
  10. Just following the trend.
  11. Danger_Jules


  12. Here's what I don't get. What possible reason does this show have to even exist at all outside of making a quick buck off of our nostalgia? It has little to nothing that made classic Powerpuff good, memorable or what it even was to that matter. They spend far more time acting like teenage stereotypes than they do fighting crime, the animation looks like lost frames from a Clarence episode repurposed into another show, the original creator is not involved and even the original villains serve less of a purpose as a threat and more of a purpose as nuisances.
  13. Stuart Smally!
  14. It would explain his comedic voice.
  16. He has a habit of voice animal characters, especially birds. He also has a habit of voicing a villain, a former villain or at least a jerk. Personally, IMO, a vulture would be the perfect role for him.
  17. It's my least favorite season of the series by far. Particularly for the sitcomy cliches and how it uses them to act as little more other than one giant torture porn for Grandad.
  18. I don't expect this film to be good. I just need an escape for 2017, since a certain somebody is president and all this other bad shit keeps happening.
  19. It's actually rated PG-13, so technically it isn't.
  20. I might, for 90s nostalgia's sake.
  21. I just farted.
  22. While they're at it, they should make the rest of the characters look like their original designs and not like they took refuge from Clarence. And focus back on the crime fighting aspect.
  23. "Darkwing Fuck" sounds like the title of a cartoon porno.
  24. I never saw the 60's version, come to think of it.
  25. If you mean the new show with that girl Jessie and the neon green intro, then yes, at times.
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