It's a device that, when worn, will allow extra air to enter the body and open up the anus wide with wires, guaranteeing flatulence once the finger is pulled.
It will revolutionize the world of farts jokes.
Yeah, but the PPG thing is a reboot, that does not even have McCracken's input for that matter. With Ed's, I am suggesting a sequel series possibly even with Antonucci back on the show.
Because I could seriously see them at least squeezing one more season out of that show.
They could make it a sequel series focusing on the events after the movie where the Eds become cool and tell more stories about Eddy's brother as well.
If we have to smell something that came out of someone's ass, it should at least be something that smells pleasant.
Someday, there will be something that makes our shit smell good.
The Go West, Young Meowth episode confirms Meowth's heterosexuality 100%.
In fact, the whole reason he bothered to stand and talk in the first place was because of that female Meowth.