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Everything posted by Danger_Jules

  1. Nobody is saying that the original was perfect (Especially considering it's watering down of the fight scenes and violence for kids and the mean spirited humor), but it had at least one thing Go lacks: Character development.
  2. You could always make your own fun.
  3. Yo mama is so dumb, she applied for a blow job. Yo mama is so dumb, they based the title of the show called 24 on her IQ score.
  4. Yo mama is so dumb, she wore scuba diving equipment to bed in order to have a wet dream.
  5. Yo mama is so dumb, she bought a bong to High school.
  6. Yo mama is so old, she has autographed versions of fossils. Yo mama is so ugly, she can't even bribe her reflection to show up in the mirror.
  7. Yo mama is so fat, her chins can be used as a staircase. Yo mama is so short, she uses a toothpick as a javelin.
  8. Yo mama is so fat, the Blue Whale is jealous of her size.
  9. Yo mama is so ugly, when she walks into a store, they disable the surveillance equipment. Yo mama is so ugly, she didn't need a costume to audition for a Star Wars film. Yo mama is so fat, when she stood on a scale, it said "No vehicles".
  10. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/8d/1e/ea/8d1eeab7c8b575aeef42adadc560ad0f.png Now it's a shit thread.
  11. Yo mama is so dumb, not only did she fail a blood test, but she failed the blood midterms and quizzes as well.
  12. Yo mama's head is so big, she dreams in IMAX. Yo mama is so old, her ID has cave paintings on it.
  13. Yo mama is so fat, she is her own location.
  14. Ruins the novelty of the name in hindsight.
  15. Yo mama is so ugly, she makes an ass copy on the printer using her face instead of her butt!
  16. Yo mama is so old, she served the Primordial soup! Yo mama is so old, when they ask her for her age on forms, she writes an infinity symbol.
  17. She knew the New Kids on the Block when they were actually new. I bought all of the candles for her birthday cake and ran out of money. She fucked Scrat.
  18. Haxorus with Mold Breaker could still bypass Wonder Guard and hit Arcanine too.
  19. Haxorus has Mold Breaker and it could not only resist Jolteon's moves, but hit back hard with one of it's own without fear of Wonder Guard.
  20. Good because truth be told, Zeni is not really disruptive. He's just a contrarian. Contrarians are going to disagree with you, especially if everyone else agrees. I'm something of a contrarian myself and I don't participate in fads.
  21. Mewtwo with a grenade would fuck that thing up.
  22. Deoxys (Speed) with, Focus Sash, No Guard, Gastro Acid, Fissure, Sheer Cold and Guillotine. Hah! If you can destroy this thing before it destroys you, I would like to see you try.
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