Nobody is saying that the original was perfect (Especially considering it's watering down of the fight scenes and violence for kids and the mean spirited humor), but it had at least one thing Go lacks: Character development.
Yo mama is so ugly, when she walks into a store, they disable the surveillance equipment.
Yo mama is so ugly, she didn't need a costume to audition for a Star Wars film.
Yo mama is so fat, when she stood on a scale, it said "No vehicles".
She knew the New Kids on the Block when they were actually new.
I bought all of the candles for her birthday cake and ran out of money.
She fucked Scrat.
Good because truth be told, Zeni is not really disruptive. He's just a contrarian. Contrarians are going to disagree with you, especially if everyone else agrees.
I'm something of a contrarian myself and I don't participate in fads.
Deoxys (Speed) with, Focus Sash, No Guard, Gastro Acid, Fissure, Sheer Cold and Guillotine.
Hah! If you can destroy this thing before it destroys you, I would like to see you try.