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Everything posted by Danger_Jules

  1. Mila Kunis yells that like a pro.
  2. ?
  3. Pingas.
  4. CD players aren't a pain if you keep them in a bag or something.
  5. That last play wasn't even real. Well, at least Brady's family will have something to be proud on in their sad time.
  6. The Patriots are a pack of cheaters.
  7. The Patriots are gaining on them so far. It is starting to make me glad I did not bet money on the *Holds glass up to mouth* Atlanta Falcons.
  8. I think the biggest flaw about Jeff is that it is new. Good shows take time to settle in and establish their characters. While Jeff and Some Aliens has kind of presented itself as a douchy Futurama/Rick and Morty, it has a lot of heart and wit in it's attempts to satirize the sitcom genre.
  9. I refuse to see this sequel just like I refused to see the original.
  10. There was some LGBT-esque stuff in there, however, like guys ripping their shirts in front of each other.
  11. Yeah, Moch, I think Into The Woods is the closest thing we will ever get to a gay Disney movie for the time being.
  12. Saw the four eps made so far. It's pretty funny and creative. The episode where Jeff's niece plays the flute is my favorite.
  13. Well, [AS] does have a policy on shows were they are never truly canceled and left with the possibility of returning. But, even if it does happen with Titan Maximum, it may take quite some time. Claymation is a very time consuming process, not to mention expensive.
  14. Typical Fighting Pokemon. It can dish it out, but it can't take it.
  15. Poliwrath is also weak to Psychic and now Fairy. I mean, it was already a defensive failure before the Fairy type came out, but now it has five types to worry about. Damn!
  16. You could also pair Poliwrath with a Shadow Tag or Arena Trap Pokemon to make sure your opponent does not wuss out of the combo.
  17. Only TM and Egg moves can be breeded onto a Pokemon and Fissure is only a TM in Gen 1. So, your only option is to just import the Poliwrath with Fissure from Gen 1 and level it up until it learns Mind Reader.
  18. I already fucked up an opponent's Oranguru with it myself.
  19. Yes, you can use the Poketransporter and Pokemon Bank to get your old Red/Blue/Yellow Pokemon to Sun and Moon.
  20. Thanks to the rereleases or Red/Blue and Yellow, people better watch their backs for this Water type again.
  21. Vicky is 16, dude.
  22. Danger_Jules


    I never saw that film. I have, however, yet to hear anything nice about it at all.
  23. PP SmePP. Cloyster will more than likely OHKO (2 tops) the Pokes it needs to with Ice Beam like Dragonite, Dugtrio and Vileplume .
  24. Ice Beam>Aurora Beam. Only other thing Aurora does is lower Attack and that will only get you so far against certain other Pokes.
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