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Everything posted by Danger_Jules

  1. They just need to stop fucking shoving Teen Titans Go! down our throats. Nobody likes that show.
  2. I watch Rick and Morty, Mike Tyson, Venture Bros., Toonami (As much as I can stay awake for anyway) and Apollo Gauntlet.
  3. That logic pretty much applies to anyone who has partaken in a rerelease of an element of their childhood.
  4. Do not go in there!
  5. N64 one had bitching graphics, though.
  6. With both this and Gold and Silver's Virtual Console releases coming in the same months, it's like Nintendo is farting out two nostalgia bombs for us at once. https://www.theverge.com/2017/6/26/15874154/nintendo-snes-classic-edition-release-date-price-announced
  7. What do you call a game of Mexican basketball? Juan on Juan!
  8. You know what I haven't had in a while? Big League Chew.
  9. I would suck anime for a dick.
  10. https://i1.wp.com/thisisstory.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/phoebe.jpg?resize=446%2C446
  11. Not enough room. Bite already has that slot. It needs at least one attacking move slot or one use of Taunt completely fucks it over.
  12. Um, I was using an Umbreon. And how would you have stalled out the Poison? The Weavile was using Ice Punch, so I had no choice. I was just lucky it didn't use Taunt, or I would have really been fucked.
  13. Knocked a Weavile out using only that move, Moonlight and Protect. Sometimes all it takes is a good Poison stall.
  14. Sylveon, Umbreon and Jolteon powered up with the Rus would be some formidable Pokes.
  15. http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/bug-off/n10754?snl=1 It won't kill the roach, but it will give it something to think about.
  16. Yeah. Scott Menville as a nerd=Epic.
  17. Team America: World Police >Independence Day.
  18. That were basically just a bunch of jerks and annoying assholes.
  19. And see, that is exactly why Nickelodeon became the shit sandwich it is now. Instead of making cartoons for the sake of the art form, they just assumed what we like (And in the end, all that does is make an ass out of U and me). And as a result, it just became an increasingly shitty network for cartoons. The only show on Nick that I would even consider watching these days is The Loud House.
  20. I never watched BUM. Even it's abbreviation is bad.
  21. Actually, dude, Robot Jones and The Brothers Flub are kind of guilty pleasures for me. Sure they weren't great and could have been better (The former was way better with the Mac Voice for the lead character and the latter could have done without that shitty "LALALALALALALALA!!!!" theme song), but they were at least something I could sit down, watch and enjoy, unlike something like, say Angela Anaconda which was personally something I thought was shitty as a child.
  22. Well, I also wasn't very fond of CatDog, but that had more to do with it's incredibly cruel, mean spirited humor and increasingly unlikable characters.
  23. Well, Rocket Power was, after all, a piece of shit, especially compared to the other shows of it's time.
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