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Everything posted by Danger_Jules

  1. Just saying, the best way to relieve those memories through childhood show would not be of a low quality stream of questionable legality.
  2. http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/news/Histeria-The-Complete-Series/22430 But, it's exclusive to Amazon. Not surprising since the show was, after all, originally intended to fill the void that Animaniacs left after it ended.
  3. Yeah, but DVDs arguably have way better quality than the burned shit that passes for free internet streaming nowadays (Especially considering that Viacom can easily just step in and take that shit right down, just like they do with Catscratch).
  4. If only this was an actual title card for the show.
  5. Well, come May, you'll have another chance to watch it again: http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/news/Rugrats-Season-1-and-Season-2/23077
  6. I want this site to be mature and not Troll Central just as much as you do. Unfortunatly, the asshole ratio of the internet as a whole has become big enough where damage control is no longer an option.
  7. A first for Disney: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4269824/Disney-puts-gay-scene-Beauty-Beast.html
  8. Because: 1) Insects are nocturnal. 2) Bug had to have some reason to be used, just like every other type. So why can't that reason be that it is strong against the most common Psychic counter in the game (That being Dark).
  9. Yes. Most of which is old Disney movies.
  10. Box Office-Bomb=/shitty film. The Iron Giant didn't make back a dime and that film went on to become a fan favorite among many critics, as did Cats Don't Dance (Another bomb) and neither of those filmns were from Disney. Kubo had a good chance of winning an Oscar (After all, it was also nominated for Special Effects). Thing is, like you mentioned, it was engulfed by the dragon of Disney, not because the film it lost to was a film about princesses and singing every 5 minutes, but because the winning film was a witty and mature film that touched on universal topics such as racism and hard work towards reaching a goal. In short, Kubo lost to Zootopia not because the latter is a Disney film, but because it is a smart film with adult appeal (Which is more than can be said for Moana).
  11. Well, if Kubo isn't going to win anything, than Moana really isn't going to win anything. At least the former is a more original film with a more robust animation style and far better pacing. In Kubo, they conveyed emotion exactly when they needed to whereas Moana was just another average, copy and paste Disney Princess film (Albeit except without her chasing after some man).
  12. Dude, you can't be surprised. Princess films like Moana are played out. Kubo had a way better chance of kicking the 55th Disney classic's ass than Moana ever would have.
  13. Congrats on Zootopia for winning the Oscar for Best Animated Feature. Looks like somebody owes me 16 bucks.
  14. Truer words have never been spoken.
  15. Zootopia>Kubo>Moana.
  16. Figures a film about an interracial couple would be a Horror film.
  17. Danger_Jules


    You mean Kanye West?
  18. Clum Babies is a fan favorite. R.I.P. everyone but Waldoor (Including Steve From Long Island).
  19. I guess there is an art to even WTF jokes like that.
  20. Well, Scizor can also stand up to a lot except Fire of course.
  21. IMO, it's Bug. It's got 3 common weaknesses and 3 useless resistances. Followed by Fighting, which has 3 weaknesses (Including one to Psychic) and Pokemon of this type have such poor defense and special defense. These Pokes are just glass cannons (They can dish it out, but can't take it).
  22. Futurama>South Park
  23. This new guy, so far, shows promise. It plays out like a douchey Futurama/Rick and Morty, but has heart and it's own personality as well. Better than Brickleberry, Moonbeam City and especially Legends of Chamberlain Heights anyway.
  24. They basically neutered Murphy's story and had it get injured from a car bomb instead of breaking up a drug ring. So, yeah, of course it's shitty.
  25. It's a pretty OK show. I love Kristian Schall and the character she plays is hilarious.
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