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Everything posted by Lynnrael

  1. I'm saving the last episode because for a minute I was worried I'd have nothing to watch afterwards. I'll have to go back and finish it tonight lol
  2. drunk again, and now I'm watching the original trigun. i really like the new one but there's so much that's missing from the old one, and so much that has changed. the old one is so good, and it's longer too which means i won't run out too soon. but it reminds me of someone. i miss them. I'm glad the cat is hanging out with me. he's a sphinx so he's very weird sometimes but he's also a loveable goof and very friendly. edit: also, the new trigun stampede cut out Millie entirely! best character imo. though the old reporter guy is cool too
  3. I vaguely remember the day my dad came home with a rented Nintendo 64, i must have been 3ish at the time. i also remember bits and pieces of that apartment but not much. the kitchen, for some reason, is what sticks the most for me. i wonder why kitchens seems to have such staying power
  4. I'm not sure I've ever actually gone black Friday shopping in my entire life and I'm certainly not going to start now
  5. it's weird being surrounded by neurodivergent people who haven't done anything to interrogate the ways society has taught them to be ableist. one person will yell at another for not doing tasks, which is likely a result of executive dysfunction, but then that person will go on to judge another for having safe foods or not being comfortable in social situations and it's just sad i like all of these people but i wish i could be around people who are more understanding. or just people who have thought about these things as much as I have. not that I'm perfect, but it hurts when everyone is upset or judging others for things I experience too
  6. i want the gift of not having to get anyone else gifts
  7. for the purposes of getting drunk and enjoying the feeling, nothing really beats vodka. I'm drunk and watching Blade Runner: Black Lotus. I like it. cyberpunk is exactly what i was craving. I really should try to write cyberpunk. i have like, no actual creative writing done but what i do have is cyberpunk and it's been well received. the guy I've been talking to lately liked it. and he's really fucking cool so that's gotta count for something.
  8. there's nothing i can't sleep through with the help of Benadryl, weed, and a little alcohol
  9. No *goes to sleep on your couch*
  10. hold the fuck up
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