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Everything posted by Toonamiguy321

  1. The difference is, AS is the only place who has ever aired it properly, with the correct dialog track and the handful of episodes other networks won’t touch. CC will probably do what they do with South Park where they cut parts of each episode so they can squeeze an extra commercial break in. If AS got it back, it would be a boon. And they desperately need the content diversity for their Fox hours. FG can help AD, KotH and Bobs do better by not stretching them so thin every single day. What else are they gonna spend the money on? Toonami? Hah! And you never know, Toonami may have been so sparse this year because they were making a play for FG and need to consolidate as much money as possible.
  2. https://deadline.com/2024/08/family-guy-comedy-central-1236040299/ Can’t believe AS let this opportunity slip through their fingers. Family Guy was their sole source of powerful viewership and the effects of losing it were visible immediately. Seems CC is firing up a new adult animation block to accompany the pickup, however aside from adding FG to the lineup, it seems no different than their current diet of South Park and B&B. Thoughts? It’s not an exclusive deal, so AS could still get in on this. Will they?
  3. The fact that it went back to Sony is the good news. They will hammer something out with Netflix or Amazon. It will probably be a low key release, but it will be a release. If WB kept control, then it would be lost media. I was not aware this was supposed to be a theater release film. And honestly, this change might be a saving grace because this does NOT look like something people are gonna buy $15 popcorn to go see. “Hey guys wanna go see the movie about the dogs nutsack?” This is stream material.
  4. Well, Genndy is still hot right now so I’d imagine finding a new buyer shouldn’t be that difficult. Probably will have a “returned merchandise” price markdown + the positive PR of saving a project from the shadow realm. And easy win for someone out there.
  5. It’s once again, no one wants to tune in to see shit they already watched. In this case, for the 3rd time in a year. If the regular block can still (barely I’ll admit but it was still there) chart on the week of a historical debate disaster, a historical assassination attempt on a former president, and a historical dropping out of the presumptive nominee, then the block would have charted with the Olympics had the normal lineup aired. This was a simple case of them using marathons to line things up, a necessary job when a show you are starting has an abnormal runtime to factor in one week.
  6. Hey, it’s not my fault the block sucks more often than it doesn’t. I want it to be good and enjoyable. I wish the people running it had the same sentiment so I could say something positive about it now and then.
  7. 1. Start shit 2. Get the taste slapped out of your mouth 3. Play victim 4. ??? 5. B-blocked! A tale as old as time. A strange tale, where you frame yourself as the famous protagonist that people would be sad about getting blocked, rather than some soft internet rando who likes to bring the heat but cries like a widdle babby anytime some is sent back.
  8. Reminder that multiple people are paid 6 figures to “discover” things like this, that knuckleheads on backwater forums figured out multiple years prior for free. “Cable….is undesirable” ”That will be $200k per year + benefits + tip”
  9. I dunno, does it get tiring forcing yourself to slurp chunky shit through a straw just so you can call yourself an optimist?
  10. Hopefully Rick and Morty is a monumental flop so they will permanently stop considering doing this. Anime adaptations of western properties are peak cringe.
  11. You give me exactly what I want the one weekend where I wasn’t home. No matter, still a good listen even if I missed my chance to participate. Part of me wonders how hands on Demarco even is anymore on acquisitions. Obviously someone had to be doing it, but it also feels like it’s kinda on autopilot for sequels or “it’s everywhere” shows like Zom. Aside from Rick subs, right now I don’t feel like any show could fall below the current floor of around 140k at midnight. We had Demon Slayer up there earlier in the year pulling down a 160-180k average. Give me a hat with Sentai action titles from the past 10 years and I’ll draw, and I’ll bet whatever I pull out could do equivalent or better at midnight. At the added bonus of being substantially cheaper. At this point, the question is, does whoever is in charge of Toonami WANT to improve it? Or are they OK with just coasting it along as a home for originals and CNs rejects? I have a growing fear the latter is the goal, and they will just occasionally pick a cherry off the tree for us so no one can claim they are going hungry.
  12. Regardless of his gut size, he seems to be one of the only people willing to offer any form of criticism towards the block. As a dissected in my post, it’s mostly mislead and roundabout as to not directly implicate the actual causes, but it’s rare to see anyone of note actually stand up and say the block isn’t in the best place. I do agree though, he does a quick heel turn when Demarco gives us an inch, after taking a couple miles, and gets abrasive towards people who said the block isn’t doing enough. The only other mouth willing to criticize the block is AmbientVirus/Colt. However, he will go straight for the REAL problems, so they do their best to keep him away from a mic since he will get Toonami Faithful blacklisted by Demarco. IMO the worst gaslighter of them all is CJ. Demarco literally told us, from his own mouth, that Demon Slayer would never air again. We get Demon Slayer again, and CJ accuses the fanbase of spreading rumors it would never air again.
  13. It’s not about whether or not we can handle them. Toonami was entitled those AoT specials. It’s securing them that will be the issue. I agree, they will be edited into episodes at some point, but we are in for a long wait.
  14. Good, good. That explains Demon Slayer, the most popular anime of the 2020s and a cultural phenomenon all on its own. Unsurprisingly, very expensive. So, what about the rest of their catalog? Demon Slayer being too expensive doesn’t automatically mean they were priced out of every show Aniplex owns, just the one that was selling out movie theaters.
  15. The only market change they are contending with is CR pulling their stuff off the table. There are 3 other major distributors they could be pulling from. And they choose not to. You can blame the market for why the block doesn’t have top billing Jump shows year round, but you can’t blame it for the frequent voids in content. They claim this, yet the budget does not reflect this. And with Rick on Thursday’s and the more marketable Uzumaki on next Thursdays, that doesn’t show much faith. Until we see a schedule that reflects the claim, the “faith” is lip service Both wrong and just excuses for Demarco’s laziness when it comes to researching content. Let’s not forget just a few months prior, he didn’t even know Urusei Yatsura had a new season. No it doesn’t and it never has. Every time they nostalgiabait, it bites them in the ass. We are seeing it in real time with Rewind flopping out. If people want to rewatch something, they are gonna do so by choosing the best episodes of something and skipping the rest. For 11 years they told us subs were an absolute never ever because that’s the ultimate trigger for channel changing and I have no idea why they suddenly think that has changed. Rick might flop a little more since it looks like wet ass, but it doesn’t matter what it is, if it’s subbed, it’s doomed. Oh boy, I can’t wait till reach the point of airing “what the FUCK is my mom doing with that artichoke!?!?” webtoon slop. Sure, more western stuff is coming in, but these days, what do western action animation titles have in common? Oh right, mimicking anime in every way they possibly can. I think people would prefer actual anime over the cheap knockoffs. Call it an action animation block all you want, people are here for the anime, and the less of that there is, the less people will tune in. Anyway, I’ll give him credit here, he tried. He at the very minimum, acknowledged there is a problem with the block. But that’s where it stops. No acknowledgment of the actual problems, just a nice, safe excuse real so Demarco doesn’t block him and cut off access. No doubt Demarco will at least retweet this with his usual “muh 25 years I no wat I’m doin”, but that will be it. Put a mic in front of Colt and let him rip. He is willing to make the real statements and not dance around the issues.
  16. When Ninja Kamui ends, they could put MHA in that slot too. That would let them finish the season in half the time. If they really get into a time crunch they could boot Kai too and do 3x MHA. But with this development, I don’t expect it this year at all. I think there is a strategy to Rick and Uzumaki not getting 3am reruns. Instead of that being its premier on the block, at a dead hour when most of the audience is gone, they can premier those on the obligatory series marathon nights. 5 hours of Rick subs would probably be the worst ratings of all time, but 5 hours of Rick dubbed might not be as much of a disaster. October 26th? Uzumaki Toonami dub premier 12-2. Marathon nights are a wash but this at least gives them something to market, and no doubt a better turnout than 3am. Whatever replaces Shippuden should give us a better idea of where their finances are right now. Whatever it is will be a 1:30 show, so not anything off the top shelf. I say if we avoid a rerun and Boruto, it can’t be that bad.
  17. Nevermind, signal cancelled. MHA will be starting right at episode 1. So they definitely do not have S7 anywhere near being secured. I guess at some point, they could speed this up, or just outright drop it, but we probably have a 7-8 month wait for S7, if at all. That’s eliminated from the Naruto replacement running, so that should spice up people’s predictions.
  18. But since Rick will be subbed it will be like the pig is old and only has 1 leg
  19. Well, MHA returning to the rerun slot is a strong signal the next season is en route. The question is, what episode are they starting on? If it’s episode one, that’s not good. If it’s the last 10 episodes of the season, we know what our new lead show for the fall is.
  20. Probably this one. I don’t think they care that much. For the initial run of Mugen Train and Entertainment District, Toonami was knocked off track about 2-3 minutes since they left in the Taisho Era Secrets bit.
  21. Consider the following for September, whatever week Naruto ends 12 - Rick and Morty anime 12:30 - Demon Slayer Swordsmith Village 1 - Mashle 1:30 - One Piece 2 - DBZ Kai 2:30 - some rerun idk Same as the last bit of DS, a friendly Aniplex bonus to air when they have the time. Of course, everything but Rick has to move down a slot for 4 weeks for Uzumaki, but that’s hardly a big deal. Then come November, MHA rolls in to become our new lead show until another original is ready. If MHA is off the table, then probably IFG. I know, Demarco’s word is worth toilet paper, but he did say they have something lined up to replace Shippuden. So I want to believe that’s actually true.
  22. Why do your predictions always expand the block? They have more than enough rerun slots as is that they don’t need to expand backward. And if Rick and Morty couldn’t pull us out of midnight, nothing ever will. Zero chance Primal S3 is coming out this year if it wasn’t featured at all at SDCC.
  23. Swordsmith confirmed for 8/10 as we all deduced ourselves
  24. Not true. Lazzo knew his shit and wasn’t afraid to tell people harsh truths. People don’t like everything he did but he ran a smart ship and the decline in AS quality is notable when he left. Ain’t never seen a Calarts beanmouth show that was good. Dont expect I ever will. I think they can strike a balance. Dont go full edge, but do drop some of the obvious censorship things like everyone’s weird giant space guns. Anyways, I believe the Demon Slayer panel starts in a few minutes so let’s hope there is some news
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